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ELL3044 Practical Business English 실용 비즈니스 영어

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Presentation on theme: "ELL3044 Practical Business English 실용 비즈니스 영어"— Presentation transcript:

1 ELL3044 Practical Business English 실용 비즈니스 영어
Around the Office

2 What should I do after the interview?
Send an to thank them? 51/81 Send a thank you card? 3/81 Call and follow up? 2/81 Do nothing and wait for them? 25/81

3 Some Answers: “I know hiring managers did not hire people because they did not send a thank you or letter. I send ‘pleasure meeting you’ s when I have met people and exchanged business cards in social situations. It is my way to make sure the person remembers who I am and to highlight some of the topics we discussed.”

4 Some answers: “It depends on the tone of the . Send one, or don't send one, it doesn't affect my decision. However one person begged and pleaded for the job. That took them out of the running.”

5 Some answers: “As someone who has been on a hiring committee, a follow up call or made zero difference either way.”

6 Some answers: “As something that will get a job, a follow up call or may not be important. But as a matter of business etiquette, a follow up after a job interview or meeting is an still important habit to get do.”

7 Some answers: “I've been a hiring manager for large organizations. A follow- up never hurts, and a unique one often helps.”

8 Some answers: “I've always been taught that a follow-up /note is good etiquette and never a bad idea. The decision is often made during the interview. However, in cases were the decision is close, hiring is done by committee, or multiple positions are open, anything that might give me an edge is worth the time and effort.”


10 gross salary / take home pay
gross salary / gross pay / total salary – the money you get before taxes are deducted from your pay. take home pay / net pay / net salary – the amount of $ you get after taxes are deducted.

11 your commute / to commute / rush hour
your commute / to commute – going to work and back home rush hour – in the morning/late afternoon when commuting is the busiest

12 watercooler talk watercooler talk - Coworkers who gather around the watercooler and talk about the weekend, sports, entertainment, their family, office gossip, etc. Usually this is a relaxed place to talk for 5-10 minutes and chit-chat about what is on your mind.

13 a cubicle a cubicle – is a fake wall that divides the office into smaller compartments without having to install permanent walls. Cubicles in the shape of squares (cubes) provide some privacy for employees.

14 HR department – human resource(s) dept
Human resource department – this department deals with the managing, administrating, hiring and firing of employees. If there is a problem between employees the HR dept deals with it.

15 24/7 – twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week
24/7 – means 24 hours a day, 7 days a week or ALL THE TIME If a business is open 24/7 that means they never close. If you say you’re working 24/7 that means you’re working all the time.

16 call it day – Let’s call it a day!
call it day – means to finish. If you call it a day, it means you stop work and go back home.

asap – is an acronym for as soon as possible meaning you’ll do it when you have enough time to complete it.

18 shred these documents / make copies paper shredder / photocopier

19 assets vs liabilities

20 get your foot in the door
get your foot in the door – start with the first step toward your goal

21 turn down (an offer) turn down (an offer) – refuse an offer

22 start from scratch / in the red
start from scratch – start from the beginning with not many resources in the red – to be in debt

23 Advice for your First Day on the Job
Do Don’t dress smartly / formal clothes be on time know who to ask for smile good attitude make a map of the desks (names) ask to leave early take a long lunch break ask for holidays ask for a raise complain (about your old job) be negative flirt

24 necessary… advice… You had (You’d) better 동사…(strong) You should 동사… You should not 동사… I advise you to 동사… I suggest… I recommend… You ought to 동사… You might want to 동사… (informal – spoken) You have to 동사… You need (a 명사) You need to 동사… You must 동사… (formal - written) You have (You’ve) got to 동사… (informal - spoken)

25 What advice would you give an employee who…
doesn’t come to work on time? makes a hostile work environment? takes long lunch breaks? makes a messy office? steals company supplies? steals ideas from coworkers and says those ideas are his/hers? doesn’t work hard?

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