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The SBTDC is a business and technology development extension service of the North Carolina University System operated in partnership with the US Small Business Administration. | Updated: September 17, 2019

2 SBTDC Mission & Vision Mission: Vision:
Positively impact North Carolina’s economy by helping to grow small and midsize businesses and launch promising startups. Vision: The SBTDC is a primary contributing partner in North Carolina’s overall economic development infrastructure and the effective bridge between the state’s small businesses and the UNC System. SBTDC client businesses consistently achieve their objectives, outgrow and outperform their peers.

3 Fit with University Mission
Education/Teaching Enhance lifetime skills of business owners Engage students in internships and practicum course work Research Apply business theory to real-world problems Conduct needs assessments, industry studies, marketing and research studies Outreach and Engagement NC’s leading business assistance and support resource for existing businesses. Provide university interface with economic development organizations NC’s “first responder” for business-related disaster recovery

4 Federal Agency Partnerships
North Carolina’s representative: Since 1984, in the SBA’s national Small Business Development Center (SBDC) program Since 1986, in the Defense Logistics Agency’s national Procurement Technical Assistance Center program Since 1997, in the US Export-Import Banking’s national City-State Partnership program

5 SBTDC Funding Sources Total funding = $7.2M year Private/other 2%
Federal (SBA/DLA) 49% I requested this information (on 2/5) from Larry for most recent year . University 49%

6 REGIONAL CENTER OFFICES (10 regional centers, 16 offices)
SBTDC Organization Leadership & Program Development Strategy, Growth & Sustainability International Business Development Tech Commercialization Marketing & Research Services Business Disaster Recovery Business Launch REGIONAL CENTER OFFICES (10 regional centers, 16 offices) Asheville Greensboro Boone Greenville Chapel Hill Hickory Charlotte Nags Head Cullowhee Pembroke Durham Raleigh Elizabeth City Wilmington Fayetteville Winston-Salem Statewide Advisory Board Administrative Operations Field Operations External Affairs Communications Management Information Systems Grants Management Budget NC State University Office of External Affairs, Partnerships and Economic Development Assistant Vice Chancellor for Economic Development University of North Carolina Office of the President Government Procurement SBTDC / PTAC Office of the State Director Statewide Programs & Services PTAC I did not make changes to this page; waiting for your review.

7 Current Operations North Carolina

8 Results / Impact (most recent year)
Clients ,611 Counseling Hours ,381 Capital Formation $105,229,414 Jobs Created 1,806 Sales Increased $ 67,472,848 Contracts Awarded $229,486,643 North Carolina

9 Strategic Plan Driven Rolling 2-year plan Focus on 4 strategic areas
Strategically manage SBTDC talent Help clients make their businesses better Bridge small business needs with UNC System resources Enhance and sustain the SBTDC’s role as NC’s recognized thought leader and primary small business assistance resource I got this from Carol and thought I would leave it as a note for presenters. Priority 1: Strategically Manage Talent Our goal is to find and keep the best people and provide development opportunities that enhance each individual’s abilities and support the SBTDC’s strategic priorities Priority 2: Help Clients Make Their Business Better Our goal is to employ consistent, comprehensive couseling processes that analyze the whole business and its interdependent parts, build trust, help clients explore the future and offer pathways to make their business better. Priority 3: Effectively Bridge Small Business Needs to UNC System Resources Our goal is to leverage the vast resources of the UNC System, including student and faculty talent, to improve small business outcomes. Priority 4: Enhance and Sustain the SBTDC’s Role as NC’s Recognized Thought Leader and Primary Small Business Assistance Resource Our goal is to showcase our abilities to drive economic impact and advocate for small businesses.

10 Client Needs and Services
Client market segmentation approach Pre-venture (not in business) Emerging and small businesses (less than 10 employees) Mid-sized companies (10 or more employees) Economic and community development organizations Target % resources (hours) to each segment Needs assessment driven Match services / tools / resources to client needs

11 Core SBTDC Services In-depth, confidential, one-on-one business counseling focused on business foundations (money, markets and management) Workshops, seminars and short-term management education programs Web-based resources and publications Applied research and advocacy, policy and program development

12 Counseling Relationships
Focus on in-depth, long-term client relationships Average hours/case = hours 76% existing businesses 40% women-owned businesses 35% minority-owned businesses 28% rural businesses This is another slide that I am not sure what he used to define a “long-term client relationship… Is this the 1,672 long-term clients from the 2017(2015) Chrisman survey or some other defined group? Once I know, I either have or can calculate the number of counseling hours (including initial and follow-ons) Should this include prep time? I assume this would include PTAC and SBA. That is all we usually count. I can determine the other data points.

13 Specialized SBTDC Programs & Services
Technology Development & Commercialization Government Procurement International Business Development Access to Capital including Equity Marketing & Research Services Strategy, Growth & Sustainability Business Launch Publications and Web Resources Business Disaster Recovery

14 Business Counseling Addressing such issues as:
Strategic positioning / performance Access to debt & equity capital Market growth / development Human resource management Operations Business planning Providing expert referrals

15 SBTDC Client Counseling
By business type - existing businesses Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing % Construction – 8.2% Other – 17.7% Other Services 12.9% Manufacturing % Wholesale Trade – 5.7% Accommodation and Food Services 3.6% Professional, Scientific and Technical Services – 17.7% Retail Trade – 8.3% Health Care and Social Assistance - 5.2% Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation – 2.9% I was able to revise by pulling new report of businesses. I was able to determine what Bion used for each segment last year and replicate each grouping.

16 Technology Development & Commercialization
Focus on research, development, and commercialization of new technologies New product development, licensing, and marketing Research and development funding (SBIR/STTR) Intellectual property issues Networking/resource identification Access to equity capital University tech transfer support Counseling focused on strategies and preparation for accessing private equity capital

17 Government Procurement
Funded in part by the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) Comprehensive assistance in selling goods and services to federal, state, and local governments Identifying contracting opportunities Preparing bids and proposals Interpreting regulations Locating specifications and standards Subscribing to bidders’ lists Conferences, workshops, webinars and other events PROBID (computer bid matching system)

18 International Business Development
Focused on the business side of exporting Export planning / market identification for successful, domestic companies looking to expand exports US Export-Import Bank City-State Partner – link to loan guarantee and credit insurance services Access to SBA export lines of credit and other financing Assistance with logistics / supply chain management SBTDC clients named “SBA’s Exporter of the Year” seven years in a row!

19 Marketing & Research Services
Research support services for SBTDC clients Marketing support for the SBTDC Support for development of new products and services Primary research on role of small business in the economy, their needs and economic impact Economic development-related research for NC communities & partners

20 Strategy, Growth & Sustainability
Extensive client assistance geared to help mid-size businesses with 10 or more employees enhance performance and accelerate growth Diagnostic Assessments Research and Analysis Team Facilitation Management Performance Workshops Strategic Action Retreats Leadership Development “Business Edge” Partner

21 Business Launch A focused approach to target high potential startups within the urban entrepreneur ecosystem ”Taking the Leap” - A unique, free, four week program aimed at helping participants move from thinking about starting a business to actually realizing that dream Working with mentors and peers in a fast-paced process designed specifically to help entrepreneurs work smart and quickly to plan and launch their new enterprise

22 Publications Business Start-Up Guide Capital Opportunities Report
Guide to Conducting International Market Research Intellectual Property Guide Guide to Selling a Business Annual State of Small Business Small Business Handbook (with Business NC magazine) Annual Report Digital Marketing Guide

23 Business Disaster Recovery
The SBTDC is the designated lead responder to facilitate business recovery following disasters Serves on NC Emergency Management’s Disaster Recovery Advisory Team Establishes systematic response to business disaster losses Facilitates access to federal and state disaster loan programs and other recovery related resources

24 Training and Workshops
Pre-venture orientations Marketing & sales Financial management International trade opportunities Access to debt and equity financing Government procurement opportunities (PTAC) Client-specific trainings & events Selected co-sponsored events

25 Statewide Conferences, Seminars & Events
Marketplace and Opportunities Procurement Conferences Annual SBIR / STTR Conference Becoming an Investor-Ready Entrepreneur / NC Angels Aquaculture Development Conference Certified Global Business Professional Training NxLeveL Workshop for Entrepreneurs Disaster Recovery Contracting Summit Selected Co-Sponsored Events

26 Evaluation, Outcomes & Impact
Internal systems and controls Strategic plan driven Annual business needs assessment Annual work plans (state/regional) Regular reporting, management interaction, and reviews Client evaluations Client financing/jobs created & retained Annual economic impact assessment study External peer evaluations/national accreditation required

27 NEW Client Opinions of SBTDC Counseling
98% of clients rate SBTDC counseling as good to excellent

28 Jobs Created and Sales Growth
Cost per job generated = $1,415 I had this data and was able to update. Source: 2019 SBTDC Impact Assessment Study

29 National Accreditation
“The NC SBTDC has a strong consistent identity and is well recognized in the state’s economic infrastructure… It is highly introspective with many examples of innovative thinking and action. They are strongly committed to measurement, evaluation of quality, and impact of its services.” ASBDC Accreditation Report

30 Questions / Discussion

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