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Theories on Crime and Deviance

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1 Theories on Crime and Deviance
Be prepared to answer a 21 mark essay on any one of these theories. Remember you can always compare/ contrast with other theoretical approaches as AO2. You need to know: Functionalism Strain Subcultural Marxist Neo Marxist/ New Criminology Interactionism Left realism Right realism Additional theories: Feminism: Malestream sociology, Heidensohn, treatment by CJS, chivalry thesis. Post modernism: More individualistic, less control, fragmentation of society = crime. Foucault surveillance, gated communities, cctv. Control theory: Bonds to society weaken = crime. Also explains why people don’t commit crime. Match words to correct theory on sheet

2 Functionalist Theories
Assess Functionalist explanations for crime and deviance (21 marks) AO1- Functionalist explanations: Crime and deviance are functional for society Social integration & regulation Can generate social change Anomie (normlessness) can cause crime Too much crime can be dysfunctional – threatens social order and solidarity. AO2 – Critical commentary: Not all crimes serve the purpose of integration Unclear how much crime is the right amount – subjective. Debatable whether crime is beneficial – particularly for victims. Still unclear why crime is committed Fails to acknowledge motives and differences e.g. deprivation or exploitation.

3 Functionalist Strain & Subcultural Theories
Assess Strain and Subcultural views on crime and deviance (21 marks) AO1 – Merton’s Strain theory Society socialises individuals to meet shared goals Individuals follow approved means to achieve such goals Crime occurs from a conflict between goals and means. Produced 5 responses to anomie – most significant being ‘Innovation’ AO2- Strain theory Assumes we all share the same goals Only explains utilitarian crimes. AO1 –Subcultural theories Cohen- Status Frustration- w.c youths face blocked opportunities Cloward & Ohlin’s illegitimate opportunity structures; Criminal subculture, Conflict subculture. AO2 – Subcultural theories Relies on statistics too much and fails to acknowledge white collar or female crime. Left Realist support on subcultures being a cause of crime.

4 Interactionist Theories
Assess the usefulness of labelling theory in explaining Crime and Deviance (21 marks) AO1- Labelling theory Crime is socially constructed- Becker Whether a deviant is labelled depends on: who has committed and observed the deviant act, when and where the act was etc. Powerless groups are more likely to be labelled Cicourel – police have typifications/ stereotypes on a typical criminal. Lemert- Primary & Secondary deviance. Consequences of labelling- self fulfilling prophecy, deviant career, moral panics. AO2- Labelling theory Fails to explain initial causes of crime Ignores wider structural factors which contribute to crime Support from effects of ASBOs – ‘badge of honour’ Contrast with alternative explanations e.g. Strain or Marxist. Sfp- support from reoffending rates. Powerless labelling – support from black stop and search

5 Marxist Theories Assess the view that crime and deviance are the result of capitalism (21 marks) AO1- Marxist views on capitalism contributing to crime AO2- Support/ Criticisms/ Alternative views. Criminogenic capitalism, selective law enforcement, state and law making, white collar and corporate crime

6 Social Distribution of Crime
You need to know how crime is distributed across these social groups; general trends/patterns and explanations. And AO2! Explanations for why men commit more crime (edgework, hegemonic masculinity, strain theory, socialisation. Explanations for why women commit less crime (sex role theory, chivalry thesis, social control. Gender Ethnicity Location Class Age Institutional racism, canteen culture, MacPherson report, Relative deprivation, Marginalisation (LR). Also address EM as victims, not only offenders. Explanations for why urban areas have higher crime rates: Shaw & McKay’s zone of transition, Tipping (Baldwin & Bottom), opportunity, policing, social control, night time economy Acknowledge explanations for WC crime and U/MC crime. WC- Strain theory, deprivation, subcultures. White collar crime- strain theory, control theory. Undetected, victimless, institutional protection. See next slide.

7 Assess sociological explanations for age differences in crime rates
You have 5 minutes to decide what you would put in this essay! Ask yourself why youths commit crime… Hand out exemplar plan. Students then plan essays on ethnicity, gender, class and locality.

8 Assess sociological explanations for age differences in crime rates (21 marks)
AO1:- Explanations for age differences Cohen- Status Frustration Katz & Lyng- Edgework Matza- Drift AO2- Evaluation of these explanations Support from Strain theory Questionable validity of statistics- youths don’t commit this much crime, selective policing Support from Labelling theory Poverty, class and ethnicity may be more significant than age. Research has led to effective preventative measures e.g. Mosquito noise, ASBO’s etc.

9 Globalisation & crime in contemporary society
Drugs trade, trafficking, counterfeit goods, cyber crime, corporate crime. Hard to detect, often target vulnerable citizens, committed by powerful groups. You need to know: Links between globalization and crime: Examples and explanations. The role of the mass media in the social construction of crime Links between the state and crime and explanations Green crime and explanations How does the media contribute to crime: news values, moral panics, sensationalism, fear of crime, cause of crime, representations of groups Violation of human rights, terrorism, genocide, torture of criminals. Crimes of obedience, may benefit the country. Primary and secondary, global risk society, air pollution, deforestation. Difficulty defining green crime, issues with policing green crime. Marxism applies here

10 CJS: Crime control, prevention and punishment.
Different agencies, their purpose, how they may have changed and how effective they are. You need to know: The role of the criminal justice system. Examples of crime prevention policies from the Left and Right Realist perspectives. Different forms of punishment and their effectiveness. The relationship between the sociological study of crime and deviance and social policy. Situational and environmental crime prevention, zero tolerance, social crime prevention: What are they and do they work? Prison, Fines, Community service, Tagging etc. How do these work and are they effective today? Left and Right realist links to political parties. What policies are still in place today and which political parties put them in place?

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