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Preparing Instructors to Teach: An Online Training Module

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1 Preparing Instructors to Teach: An Online Training Module
Dara Anderson Anica Cisneroz Jennifer Engle Julie Hargraves Twyla Tasker Department of Curriculum and Instruction BbX Conference August 20, 2019

2 In this session… We will explore why Adjunct Instructors need a training module before beginning an online teaching role We will share the components of our training course - designed for our adjuncts We will get your feedback on how to improve adjunct training for online teaching

3 Research Support for Training
Nearly 2/3 faculty in a recent survey taught themselves how to create and deliver online courses (Batts, Pagliari, Mallett, & McFadden, 2010). Institutional policies are critical for quality web-based instruction that provides efficient and effective means for training faculty who teach online (Batts, et al., 2010; Marek, 2009). Faculty training must include best practices: online procedures for instruction, mentoring for new instructors, and examples for appropriate feedback (Batts, et al., 2010; Lane, 2013; Marek, 2009; Young, 2016). THECB “Principles of Good Practice” states that faculty will be trained specifically on teaching online.

4 C&I Program Structure 5 programs 26 courses 12 professors
7 instructors 66 adjuncts

5 C&I Adjunct Training

6 Module 1: Getting Started
Initially, we help our adjuncts understand the importance of establishing their teaching presence. Instructor presence online Primary responsibilities Different types of meetings

7 Getting Started (cont.)

8 Module 2: Classroom Management
This module includes: An explanation of our course set-up and workload expectations Suggestions for record keeping and file management Communication protocol for s and managing class cafe

9 Classroom Management (cont.)

10 Module 3: Teaching Online
This module includes: Video on online instruction Articles and blogs with best practices on online instruction Powerpoint on effective feedback

11 Teaching Online (cont.)
Adjuncts practice what they have learned with an assignment!

12 Module 4: Preparing Students
This module includes: Problems candidates typically encounter Problems related to learning styles Candidate participation

13 Preparing Students (cont.)

14 Module 5: Special Issues
This module includes: Student Types in Online Environments FERPA Plagiarism Extensions & Extra Credit ASU Disability Support Services Suicide Protocol

15 Special Issues (cont.)

16 Module 6: Being Faculty Finally, this module welcomes new faculty with the required university training and our departmental expectations: Title IX, FERPA, Sexual Harassment, Ethics, Equal Employment Opportunity, Campus Carry Training Departmental Adjunct Expectations Evaluations in accordance with OP 06.31

17 References Batts, D., Pagliari, L., Mallett, W., & McFadden, C. (2010). Training for faculty who teach online. Community College Enterprise, 16(2), 21–31. Retrieved from Lane, L. (2013). An open, online class to prepare faculty to teach online. Journal of Educators Online, (1). Marek, K. (2009). Learning to teach online: Creating a culture of support for faculty. Journal of Education for Library & Information Science, 50(4), 275–292. Retrieved from Young, J. R. (2016). For professors who thought they’d never teach online. The Chronicle of Higher Education, (40), A10. Retrieved from

18 Questions? Thank you for attending! Dara Anderson
Anica Cisneroz Jennifer Engle Julie Hargraves Twyla Tasker

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