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ELENTRA How to Guide Dr. Daniel Dubois, MD, FRCPC, CE

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Presentation on theme: "ELENTRA How to Guide Dr. Daniel Dubois, MD, FRCPC, CE"— Presentation transcript:

1 ELENTRA How to Guide Dr. Daniel Dubois, MD, FRCPC, CE Dr. Daniel Dubois, MD, FRCPC, CE ELENTRA How to Guide Elentra has been selected by a number of Canadian universities to support the transition to CBD. The PGME Office and Medtech are currently collaborating with the International Entrada consortium to ensure the design of the platform meets the needs of uOttawa residency programs. 

2 Elentra
An integrated teaching and learning platform Allows learners, faculty and program administrators to easily access and manage the complex data and tools needed to make CBME a reality Same user and pass as CCAT, One45, UofO . The goal of CBME is to improve the educational experience and in turn help better prepare physicians.  A competency-based curriculum provides for individualized learning, increased flexibility, innovative assessments, meaningful feedback and increased preparedness for practice. 

3 First Steps 1. Click on account 2. Toggle between personal and account
(Verify Information, set PIN)

4 NB points about ELENTRA
Entrustable Professional Activities (EPA) are now stage specific – not end of training. Base your entrustment rating on the task, and not the overall case. PGY-1 could conceivably achieve a 5 on a stage appropriate EPA (eg. Performing preoperative assessments for healthy adult patients who will be undergoing a non-complex scheduled surgical procedure) Resident selects most appropriate EPA to be assessed When in doubt fill out EPA 1 or 2 for their stage Forms created to simplify documentation Fill out EPA entrustment rating Document what went well and what could be improved Milestones are provided at bottom as CQI and to give you points to discuss

5 Final point…many ways to trigger an assessment
Resident completes assessment, Resident gives device to Faculty who reviews and adds their own comments PRIOR to entering PIN. Faculty receives an notice and a completed assessment (by Resident) is waiting for Faculty to review/edit and submit. Faculty can trigger an assessment on their own (Should be exception rather than rule)

6 Transition to Discipline EPAs (3)
Performing preoperative assessments for healthy adult patients who will be undergoing a non-complex scheduled surgical procedure Monitoring adult patients undergoing non-complex surgical procedures, under general or regional anesthesia Performing the postoperative transfer of care of healthy adult patients following a non-complex surgical procedures, including postoperative orders

7 Example of Foundations (18 EPAs) PGY1-2
Using the anesthetic assessment to generate the anesthetic considerations and management plan including postoperative disposition, and obtaining informed consent, for non-complex patients and non-complex surgery Providing perioperative anesthetic management for non-complex cases in adult patients Performing the non-airway basic procedures of Anesthesiology Identifying patients presenting with an anticipated difficult airway and preparing for management options Managing and coordinating patient positioning during anesthesia care and preventing and recognizing related complications Anticipating, preventing and managing common or expected intraoperative events and physiologic changes during non-complex cases Assessing the indications for transfusion of blood products and managing side effects and complications

8 Triggering Assessments
Workflow of this example: Resident click trigger assessment Pick assessor Selects method to send/complete assessment, most popular is complete and confirm via pin, do it real time with the staff Selects date Picks EPA – this example is P10 All of the assessment tools for the selected EPA pop up, and you pick which one you want to complete with the staff

9 Documenting Confidential Information
Elentra at the bottom of each form Concerns Section One45 Exceptional Event Form

10 2. Click here for Assessments
Assessments 2. Click here for Assessments 1. Make sure PGME bolded 3. If you want more info USER GUIDE LINK

11 If states you have a task but none shown make sure to remove filters
To Review your resident click “My Learners”

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