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Alton Elementary School Open House Sept. 5, 2019

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1 Alton Elementary School Open House Sept. 5, 2019
We are Going for the GOLD!!

2 Welcome Mrs. DeFlanders-Williams (Mrs. DW): Room 203 Mrs. Reed: Room 300

3 Agenda Website - calendar, teacher , Open House ppt, JPAMS, ESSA video Class Schedule PBS in our Classroom and Home Expectations Grade Level Standards Diagnostic Testing/ PreK – 2nd Grade Assessments Ready Gen Zearn IRLA Dibels Computer Based Instructional Support: Smarty Ants, Mobymax, Zearn Grade level field trips( tentative list)

4 Alton Elementary School Website
School Calendar Contacts - Teacher Open House ppt JPAMS ESSA(Every Child Succeeds Act) video Open House feedback

5 Class Schedule-Mrs. DW

6 Class Schedule-Mrs. DW

7 Mrs. DW-Room 203 Homework: Math, reading homework sheets are sent home on Monday. The complete packet is due on Friday. Students earn gold cash for completing homework. Behavior Management: Working Hard is the daily starting point. The student can move up two times for outstanding behavior or move down twice after their first redirection Snacks: The students are responsible for bringing their own snacks. I highly suggest bringing 5 snacks on Monday in a ziplock bag/lunch box Contact Information: You can reach me via at or by leaving a message with the office at (985)

8 Class Schedule-Mrs. Reed
Hour Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 8:00-8:30 Students Arrive/Breakfast/Sight Word Practice/Stem Time 8:30-9:20 Announcements/ Attendance/Interventions Announcements/ Attendance/Interventions *8:30-8:55 (See Pull Out Schedule) 9:20-10:40 ReadyGEN ELA Block *9:20-10:05 10:45-11:25 Recess/Lunch 11:20-11:35 Restroom/StoryTime 11:35-1:00 Math/Interventions/Cent Math/Interventions/Centers *11:35-11:40 1:00-1:10 Brain Break 1:10-1:35 Science Social Studies

9 Class Schedule-Mrs. Reed
1:35-2:15 2:15-2:30 2:30-2:40 2:45-3:21 Snack Time CentersPack-Up Writing Activity Centers Pack-Up CENTERS 3:21-3:45 DISMISSAL

10 Mrs Reed. –Room 300 Homework: Math, reading homework sheets are sent home on Monday. The complete packet is due on Friday. Behavior Management: Ready To Play is the daily starting point. The student can move up two times for outstanding behavior or move down twice after their first redirection. Snacks: The students are responsible for bringing their own snacks. I highly suggest bringing 5 snacks on Monday in a ziplock bag/lunch box Contact Information: You can reach me via at or by leaving a message with the office at (985)

11 PBS in our Classroom and Home Expectations
The clip system is utilized in first grade classrooms. Students have the option of moving up and down depending on their behavior. When students have frequently behavior issues, the teachers will call home/send a letter to notify parent. Mrs. DW- Students earn tickets when completing work and when they move their clips up. On Friday I pull three tickets and these students get to pick out of the treasure box. If the class has been on task all week in class and during ancillary classes, the class will earn a “Fun Friday”. Mrs. Reed- Students earn “Gold Cash” when completing work and when they move their clip up to “MVP”. On Friday, I will pull three tickets and these students get to pick out of the treasure box. If the class has been on task all week in class and during ancillary classes, the class will earn a “Fun Friday”.

12 Grade Level Standards Each teacher is required to follow the Louisiana State Student Standards found on the LADOE website. These standards are end of the year math/ELA goals for each grade level. Teachers are allowed to used various resources that align to the Louisiana Student Standards to teach math such as: Guaranteed Curriculum, LA State Dept. website, resources from neighboring parishes, etc… Teachers use several research-based math strategies that have been proven to increase student achievement. These strategies are necessary for students to master the standards and perform well on state standardize testing.

13 Diagnostic Assessments Pre-K – 2nd
First Grade students have completed a district mandated standards based diagnostic assessments for ELA and Math. These assessments are utilized to help group students for small group instruction and interventions.

14 Ready Gen Unit Design – students will not have an assessment every Friday Assessments will assess skills – not stories Reading, writing, grammar, spelling all integrated in each lesson and assessment – not taught and assessed in isolation

15 Zearn top-rated K–5 paper- and software-based curriculum that transforms the daily math block to create engagement and differentiation for all students

16 Dibels DIBELS (Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills) is a series of short tests that assess early childhood (K-6) literacy. It is a set of procedures and measures for assessing the acquisition of a set of K-6 literacy skills, such as phonemic awareness, alphabetic principle, accuracy and fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension. Completed three times throughout the year (Fall, Winter, and Spring).

17 IRLA The IRLA is a K-12 developmental scope and sequence for reading acquisition that prepares all students for success in college, career, and life, as articulated by the State Standards. The IRLA is one tool that works with every student, at every reading level, K–12, in English and Spanish. The IRLA delivers specific and actionable data that tells the teacher where a student is, why, and the sequence of skills/behaviors she needs to learn next to accelerate her reading growth.

18 Computer Based Instructional Support
Smarty Ants – individualized foundational skills intervention program. MobyMax- Help struggling learners* quickly catch up to grade level and close learning gaps for all your students. Zearn-top-rated K–5 paper- and software-based curriculum that transforms the daily math block to create engagement and differentiation for all students.

19 Grade Level Field Trips List
Two field trips have been planned for this year. Chaperons are encouraged and needed for both field trips. - IMAX/ Insectarium Cost: $15.10 – Institute for Marine Mammal Studies Cost: $17.20 **We will send out information on dates when we get confirmation.

20 THANK YOU!!! We look forward to an exciting school year at Alton Elementary School. TOGETHER we are Simply the BEST!!

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