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FACTAGE Training on Differential Mortality

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1 FACTAGE Training on Differential Mortality
Statistics Austria DSS 2-4 October 2017 Vienna, April 2018

2 Background Life expectancy differences between socio-economic groups become increasingly important (social policy, public pensions, demographic projections) Some European countries cannot provide any figures, and available figures are often produced outside official statistics  reduced comparability Voluntary data collection of deaths and population by educational level by Eurostat (UNIDEMO D07, P09): variation in data quality by country

3 FACTAGE Statistics Austria is involved in the international research project FACTAGE (Fairer Active Ageing for Europe) Methodological developments to analyze socio-economic differences in mortality in a comparable European perspective EU-SILC data: conducted in 35 European countries, harmonized target variables, longitudinal component (survived or died between survey waves) Feasibility study has been finished

4 Training Session Theory and hands-on exercises in computer lab
Generic methodology (not restricted to EU-SILC) 25-26 April (Wednesday lunchtime – Thursday afternoon) No course fee, food and drinks provided Participants have to pay their own travel & accommodation Places will be limited  Express interest asap!

5 Training Session (2) Target audience: NSIs
Other official statistics bodies (e.g., central banks) Researchers with a connection to official statistics People from candidate countries and from NSIs which do not provide figures on differential mortality are especially welcome

6 Invitation Official invitations will be sent out soon to the members of the following Working Groups Living Conditions Public Health Demography

7 FACTAGE Training on Differential Mortality
Vienna, April 2018 Please address queries to: Tobias Goellner Contact information: Guglgasse 13, 1110 Vienna phone: +43 (1) fax: +43 (1)

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