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Higher Education Accreditation Agency of Republika Srpska STINT project ERASMUS+ Programme EU Kick Off Meeting, Ghent 25-26th January 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Higher Education Accreditation Agency of Republika Srpska STINT project ERASMUS+ Programme EU Kick Off Meeting, Ghent 25-26th January 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Higher Education Accreditation Agency of Republika Srpska STINT project ERASMUS+ Programme EU Kick Off Meeting, Ghent 25-26th January 2016

2 Legal Framework Framework Law on Higher Education of BiH (2007)
Law on Higher Education of Republika Srpska (2006) ESG standards (2015) BiH criteria and standards (2009) Amendment of Law on Higher Education of Republika Srpska (2010)

3 Mision, Vision and Goals
Organising and conducting the external evaluation process Recognition by the academic community Partnership with academic community Establishing the quality assurance system of HEI and enhancing quality culture International recognition

4 General Structure of the Agency
Three departments: Higher education accreditation department Quality assurance and international cooperation department General affairs department Accreditation Forum-informal body comprised of experts and other stakeholders Accreditation Council – expert body monitoring the process of the external evaluation Steering Board

5 Accreditation Process
Five phases of accreditation process: - HEI legitimacy check HEI internal quality assurance Formal application and contracting External evaluation by expert panel Decision on accreditation with three possible outcomes: Accreditation for a 5-year period Letter of expectation Accreditation rejected

6 Follow-up activities Every accredited HEI has to prepare Follow-up activities plan based on recommendations of panel of experts HEAARS has a software for monitoring follow-up activities for all institutions Audit of the institutions Similar process in case of letter of expectations with specific trainings

7 Results Accomplished Nine accredited HEI (two public and three private) Two HEI with letter of expectations Two in the process of external evaluation Accreditation of study programs in process of preparing (collecting data)

8 Role in a project and expected results
Analysis of the internationalization based on the reports of panels of experts/ the weakest point so far Importance of knowledge management Development of mechanisms for evaluation of internationalization and mechanisms for improvement

9 Thank you for your attention. www. heaars. com E-mail: info@heaars
Thank you for your attention!

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