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Global Resource consumption and security

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1 Global Resource consumption and security
Core: Unit 3 Global Resource consumption and security

2 Objectives: What: Global and regional/continental progress towards poverty reduction, including the growth of the “new global middle class” Why: To understand that global economic development and the emergence of a new global middle class is leading to increases in resource consumption that will require careful management in the future.

3 Task 1: Fill in your learning objectives sheet

4 Section 1: Subject Guide learning objective:

5 What is poverty? ​There are many different types of poverty; three important types are briefly explained below: Situational poverty is  caused by a sudden crisis or loss and is often temporary. Causes might include environmental disasters, divorce, or severe health problems. Absolute poverty involves a lack of basic needs such as shelter, clean water, and food. People in absolute poverty will probably focus on day-to- day survival. Relative poverty is where people's incomes fall significantly below the average for the place where they live. They may have access to basic needs and more but will be poorer than other people and families in the same place.

6 Task: Using a copy of the map , comment on the regional and continental progress in achieving poverty reduction in light of MDG 1 - Eradicate Extreme Poverty & Hunger. 

7 Patterns and trends in poverty reduction
Use the graph embedded on the Weebly to identify and describe changing patterns of poverty worldwide. You should consider: ​Overall trends - look at the global figures and describe the overall trends for each region. Relative figures globally - in 1980 which regions had most and least poverty? How does this change between 1980 and the present day. Which regions have seen the greatest reduction in poverty? Which regions are reducing poverty most slowly?

8 'How To End Poverty in 15 years' Hans Rosling - BBC News

9 The Magic Washing Machine - Hans Rosling
Why does Rosling identify the washing machine as a significant indicator? What does the video tell us about changing levels of global poverty/inequality?

10 Reducing poverty – the MDGs and SDGs
READ: Kognity 3.1.1 Global and Regional Poverty Make notes on the contribution the MDGs made towards poverty reduction and the aims of the SDGs in poverty reduction

11 The infographic in Figure 2  (Kognity) shows some facts and figures about poverty along with some of the strategies to combat it. Use the information from this infographic to think critically about the presentation of this data. Exam style question: Evaluate 2 ways in which information about poverty reduction is portrayed. (6)

12 The New Global Middle Class – Kognity 3.1.1
The global middle class are the non-manual workers (white collar workers), middle management and small business owners. They earn more money than the working class but less than the upper middle and upper classes. The middle class is characterised by people who have approximately 33% of their income 'left over' after they have paid for the essentials in life: food, shelter and basic services. The leftover income is described as discretionary and can be used to buy consumer goods (clothes, cars, etc.) or improve their health care and their children’s education opportunities. As mean global income increases and absolute poverty falls the balance between rich and poor shifts and the global middle class grows. In your notes you need to be able to: Be clear what the global middle class is Describe the growth of the global middle class using facts and figures Explain the causes of the growth of the global middle class Explain the consequences of the growth of the global middle class. Add a mini case study (Vietnam p470 of IB textbook) Resources – Kognity 3.1.1, IB textbook p , graphs and video clips on Weebly

13 The New Global Middle Class
Describe the growth in the Global Middle Class from 1950 to the present day. What do projections suggest about future growth? Can you suggest any factors that might limit the growth of the NGMC in future?

14 The New Global Middle Class
Study the data and the graphs on the number/share of GNMC by region. What patterns are shown? Start with global trends and then examine patterns for: N. America and Europe Asia Pacific Sub-Saharan Africa. Why is it important to examine share as well as overall number?

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