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NETW 503:Internet Course Instructor : Tallal Elshabrawy

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Presentation on theme: "NETW 503:Internet Course Instructor : Tallal Elshabrawy"— Presentation transcript:

1 NETW 503:Internet Course Instructor : Tallal Elshabrawy
Instructor Office : C3.321 Lecture Time & Loc. : Sun. 3rd Slot Instructor Teaching Assistant : Eng. Ahmed AbdelRaouf

2 Text Book and References
“Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach Featuring the Internet 3rd Edition”, J. F. Kurose, and K. W. Ross, Addison Wesley, 2005 Reference Book: “Communications Networks 2nd Edition”, A. Leon-Garcia, and I. Widjaja, McGraw Hill, 2003

3 Course Pre-Requisites
Communication Networks

4 The Networks Revolution
WiFi Networks DSL Networks Cable Networks Sensor Networks Optical Networks Home Networks Data Centers and Cloud Computing Body Area Networks

5 Networks in Diverse Businesses
Telecommunications Business Inter vehicle communication Health Industrial Process Control Agriculture & Irrigation Mobile Applications

6 Why Internet?

7 What will you learn from the Course?
Internet Protocol Architecture Routing in the Internet Internet Transport Protocols Developments Towards IPv6 Fundamentals of Internet of Things Introduction to Software Defined Networks

8 Course Assessment Assignments (Best 2 out of 3) : 10 %
Quizzes (Best 2 out of 3) : 15 % Project : 15 % Midterm Exam : 20 % Final Exam : 40 %

9 The Starting Point!

10 Comm. Networks: First Set of Questions
What is a Communication Network? A system connecting different devices such as Phones, Mobiles, PCs, Printers, and Disk Drives Why do we need Communication Networks? Need to communicate and share information among different devices Direct connectivity between each and every device is not feasible Direct connectivity between each and every device is not actually necessary

11 The Concept of Layering

12 OSI Reference Model Describes a seven-layer abstract reference model for a network architecture Purpose of the reference model was to provide a framework for the development of protocols Open System Interconnect (OSI) Developed by ISO (International Organization for Standardization) Open System: A set of protocols that would allow any two different computers to communicate regardless of their underlying architecture

13 TCP/IP vs OSI Reference Model
Application Transport Internet Network Interface Application Presentation Session Transport Network Data Link Physical TCP/IP Reference Model OSI Reference Model

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