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Breakthrough Magnet School South

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1 Breakthrough Magnet School South
Adult Volunteer Training

2 First of all….THANK YOU!!!! Thank you for modeling the “C” in B.R.I.C.K. and Contributing to our school!

3 Ways to Volunteer at Breakthrough
Working with students in the classroom Accompanying a class on a field trip during the school day Helping in the school office during regular school hours Reshelving books/returning materials to the library Attending a school fair with the Principal to promote our school Assisting with school-wide events: Field Day, Show our Stuff, Multicultural Luncheon, Book Fairs, etc. Matting artwork for Mrs. Liburd Making copies, laminating materials, decorating a bulletin board Accompanying a group of students on an overnight field trip

4 HPS Process of Becoming a Volunteer
Step 1: Submit volunteer application (online preferred and quicker) Step 2: Application is reviewed and background checks conducted by HPS. Step 3: Within a period of 2 weeks, the applicant will be notified whether he or she has been approved. Step 4: Volunteer completes training requirements and submits a Volunteer Commitment Form to Principal

5 Volunteer Expectations & Responsibilities
Sign-in and sign-out in the volunteer log that is kept in the main office. Maintain confidentiality of students and families at all times. Be mindful of adult conversations with students present. Model adult B.R.I.C.K. behavior. Always be in the presence of staff when working with students. Be open to assisting in other classrooms (not just the one your child is in) - we want to “share the wealth” :) Review our BMSS Student/Parent Handbook (on our BMSS website)...currently being revised with SGC for 19-20


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