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TIMELINE LAB Week of October 7th, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "TIMELINE LAB Week of October 7th, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 TIMELINE LAB Week of October 7th, 2013

2 Do-Now 9/30/14 Put these events in the order you think they occurred (from earliest to latest). Next to each event, write how long ago you think the event took place. First dinosaurs Most recent ice age First hominids First life (bacteria) First modern humans First oxygen in atmosphere First land plants

3 Correct order First life (bacteria) 3,500 million years ago
First oxygen in atmosphere 2,400 million years ago First land plants 430 million years ago First dinosaurs 250 million years ago First hominids .035 million years ago First modern humans 6.5 million years ago Most recent ice age .025 million years ago

4 Geological Event vs. Biological Event?
First dinosaurs Most recent ice age First hominids First life (bacteria) First modern humans First oxygen in atmosphere First land plants

5 How old is earth? About 4,600 million years old = 4.6 billion years ago

6 Timeline Lab Instructions
Use poster paper provided to make a geologic time line. Distance will represent time. Scale: 2 meters = 5 billion years 100 million years = .04 meters (4cm) You will begin by drawing a line 2 meters long, and marking every 4cm. Start with Today (0 million years ago (mya)) and end with Earth’s formation (4.6 billion years ago or 4600 mya. Add the events that are starred (*) on your timeline Note: Use different colors to write geological and biological events

7 Events to include on timeline:
Modern humans Neanderthals Lucy Hominids Primates Flowering Plants Mammals Dinosaurs Reptiles Amphibians Land plants Multicellular organisms (algae) Eukaryotes Life (bacteria—Prokaryotes) Most recent ice age Separation of Antarctica and Australia Tertiary Meteor Impact Breakup of Pangaea and formation of the Atlantic Ocean Formation of Pangaea Free oxygen nears present levels (21%) Free oxygen building in the atmosphere (0.2%) Formation of Earth

8 Analysis questions 1. What does the timeline model help you see about geologic time? Is 100 million years a long time in terms of Earth’s history? 2. Certain geological events precede biological events. Give an example and explain why the geological event had to come before the biological event. 3. What is the relationship between plant and animal events on the timeline?

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