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XULA Digital Commons Purpose and Uses

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1 XULA Digital Commons Purpose and Uses
Kayla Siddell XULA Digital Commons Purpose and Uses

2 What is an institutional repository?
An institutional repository is an archive and database for collecting, preserving, and disseminating digital copies of the intellectual output of an institution, particularly a research institution. This includes born-digital and digitized material.

3 Who is the institutional repository for?
Committees and Organizations (Library Advisory Committee, CAS) University Offices (CURGO, Career Center, CAT+FD) Student Groups (Greek, Clubs, Sports) Classes (Research Methods) Faculty and Staff Students Alumni

4 What is it used for? Digital Platform for Scholarship
Preservation, Discovery, Access Promotion and Marketing Retention and Recruitment

5 What types of work are accepted?
Faculty Students Other Open access works Thesis and Dissertations University Documents Published works Capstone Projects Xavier Publications Working papers Publications Campus Events Presentations Workshops Posters Tutorials Workshop Materials Music Teaching Materials Art Technical reports Course specific assignments

6 Benefits and Uses for Faculty
Journal Articles Poster Presentations Recordings of Presentations Teaching Materials (Syllabi, Assignments) Oral Histories Art Music Tracking Usage of works Expert Gallery

7 Benefits and Uses for Faculty
Once a Faculty member uploads work to the Repository, they can then create an Expert Gallery Profile.

8 Expert Gallery

9 Benefits and Uses for Students
Thesis and Dissertations Capstone Projects Publications Presentations Posters Music Art Expert Gallery

10 On-Campus Publications
Pathways Xavier University of Louisiana’s journal of first-year-student essays. We have published since 2012, but 2017 was our final print edition. This website is in progress, as we archive past content. XULAneXUS First published in 2002, XULAneXUS is a peer-reviewed online journal that publishes the scholarship of Xavier University of Louisiana undergraduates. The journal has been sponsored by the Center for Undergraduate Research and Graduate Opportunity and funded in part by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.  University Press

11 University Records Committee Agendas and Meeting Minutes
Collaborative Working Documents Tutorials Workshops Events

12 Teaching Materials Open Educational Resources Select Assignments

13 Authors Dashboard Allows authors to track:
how often their work is being downloaded What type of institution the downloader originates Which countries are they from and how many times they downloaded

14 Author Dashboard

15 Current Stats

16 Current Stats United States 87 Japan 17 France 5 India 3
United Kingdom 2 Russian Federation Singapore Malaysia 1 Canada Cyprus Finland Indonesia Italy Libya Argentina

17 Visit XULA Digital Commons

18 Current Stats Name Type Downloads Xavier University of la Education 24
Northeastern University 12 Webster University 1 The Pennsylvania State University Portland State University University of North Carolina at Charlotte Stanley Fulgham Commercial LLC Masterhost Cal Association of Realto Organization Ezone Biotechnologies Maximiliano Zwecher Wilmington University Inc.

19 How to get started? Contact
Kayla Siddell, Scholarly Communications Librarian Mary George, Institutional Repository Librarian

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