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Adopting secret sharing for reversible data hiding in encrypted images

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1 Adopting secret sharing for reversible data hiding in encrypted images
Source:Signal Processing Volume 143, February 2018, Pages Authors:Xiaotian Wu, Jian Weng, WeiQi Yan Speaker :Lin Li Date :2019/08/22

2 Outline Research background Related work Proposed scheme
Shamir’s secret sharing method Proposed scheme Experimental results Conclusions

3 Research background (1/2)
embedding a bit Research background (1/2) an AES encrypted image reducing data extraction errors separability increasing capacity encrypted compressed images homomorphic encryption (computational complexity, seriously expanded)

4 Research background (2/2)
Encryption algorithm is simple. The computational complexity is low.

5 Related Work --Shamir’s secret sharing method (1/3)
Shamir[1] and Blakley[2] independently proposed the first secret sharing scheme in 1979. The embedding procedure: [1]. Shamir A. How to share a secret. Commun ACM 1979, Volume. 22, no. 11, pp. 612–613. [2]. Blakley G.R. Safeguarding cryptographic keys. Managing Requirements Knowledge, International Workshop on(AFIPS) 1979, pp. 313–317.

6 The extraction procedure:
Related Works -- Shamir’s secret sharing method (2/3) The extraction procedure: Using the Lagrange polynomial interpolation method

7 Related Works -- Shamir’s secret sharing method(3/3)
a0 = pix_value(i, j ) next a0 = pix_value(i*, j* ) secret image Shadow size: secret image size

8 Proposed scheme (1/10) (Pair-wise image encryption by secret sharing)
: pixel pair : generated by a pseudo-random number generator : random integers

9 Proposed scheme (2/10) Preserving the difference of two adjacent pixels (give an example: ) (The difference is 3.) 167, 15 , 42. 164, 12 , 39. (167, 164), (15, 12), (42, 39). (The difference 3 is kept.)

10 Proposed scheme (DEM) (3/10)
A difference expansion based method (DEM) A difference histogram shifting based method(DHSM)

11 Proposed scheme (DEM) (4/10)
Reversible Integer Transform m = mean of ( x , y ) d = difference of ( x , y ) pair

12 Proposed scheme (DEM) (5/10)
Reversibly embed a bit in the difference number

13 Proposed scheme (DEM) (6/10)
Example of Difference Expansion Embed

14 Proposed scheme (DEM) (7/10)
Example of Difference Expansion Extract X = [ (6+1)/2 ] = 206 Y = 203 – [ 6/2 ] =200

15 Proposed scheme (DHSM) (8/10)

16 Proposed scheme (DHSM) (9/10)

17 Proposed scheme (DHSM) (10/10)

18 Experimental results (1/7)

19 Experimental results (2/7)

20 Experimental results (3/7)

21 Experimental results (4/7)

22 Experimental results (5/7)

23 Experimental results (6/7)

24 Experimental results (7/7)

25 Conclusions Secret sharing for RDH in encrypted images is adopted.
Reasonable image expansion is achieved (Two shares). High embedding capacity is obtained.

26 Thanks for your listening!

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