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Change Package Your Team Name: Children’s Friend

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Presentation on theme: "Change Package Your Team Name: Children’s Friend"— Presentation transcript:

1 Change Package Your Team Name: Children’s Friend Topic Area: Breastfeeding Name of the Intervention: Establishing collaboration between NFP client’s and Woman and Infants Hospital Primary Driver: Create strong community linages to breastfeeding support systems.

2 Definition of the Intervention
What is the intervention? Include a short definition of the intervention (1-2 sentences) Children’s Friend Nurse Home Visitors will establish a relationship with our local birthing hospital, Woman and Infants. Collaborating with the hospital education department will ensure that nurses are better able to prepare their clients for the hospital experience and that our clients will have their infant feeding plans known.

3 Description of the Intervention
Include photos, and instruments or tools that accompany the intervention (include tools that are for doing the intervention itself, like the Marion half- sheet for communicating results to parents, and tools that are used for collecting data on the intervention during PDSA cycles) We invited the director of Health Education and an hospital RN and CLC to our team meeting. Prior to this meeting our nurses indicated their knowledge of supports and expectations for our clients during their hospital stay.

4 How is the intervention carried out?
Include instructions about how to do the intervention (as if you were explaining it to some one who has never done it before) The nurses answered a questionaire to test their knowledge of education and support services for our clients through the hospital. The team generated a lsit of questions for our visitors. The team prepared materials used by our NHV’s to discuss witht the hospital representatives as well as our Infant Feeding Plan. We accessed materials and resources available through the hospital website. We held a team meeting and followed up with the entire team visiting the hospital for a tour.

5 Evidence that the intervention is effective
Include run charts and summaries of PDSA cycles (PDSA ramp of several cycles ideally) Include qualitative information as well – such as testimonies from LIAs or home visitors or families who have used the intervention How many LIAs / home visitors / famlies used the intervention ? Who are the experts who can provide more information? We have had a tremendous response from the hospital representatives regarding our collaboration. We have received all the materials that they used for teaching and promoting breastfeeding. 100% of the nurses have reported they are better informed about services and supports for our clients. We have arranged two private tours for two teenage clients. Clients and nurses have reported a better understanding of the expectations and supports for infant feeding.

6 Pre-requisites for the intervention
What is needed in order to have success with this intervention? For example: Resources Experience (strategies or model materials/training, QI skills, other interventions that serve as a base for this intervention) Team members (for example, needs support of a parent/client, or an LIA director…) Open communication with the birthing hospital education department. A willingness to collaborate to better serve and support our clients around initiating breastfeeding during their hosptialization. The williness of the hospital to support their Baby Friendly initiative by their openess to collaborate with our NFP program

7 Advice Barriers / Challenges Key advice to overcome barriers
We measured our results with a survey pre and post our collaboration efforts. We would use the Breastfeeding Self Efficacy Scale as a measure next time.

8 Adaptations (if aplicable)
Are there adaptations of this information? For example, have other LIAs taken the Marion half-sheet and made changes? If yes, include that information here. We would like to expand this outreach and collaboration with the hospital to other Home Visiting programs in RI. We would like to develop further PDSA’s where our feeeding plans are brought to the hospital by our clients and the results and effectiveness measured.

9 References/ Inspiration (if applicable)
Where did this intervention come from? Include citations or links to information about the intervetnion, or more evidence that it works

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