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What We’re Learning This Week

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1 What We’re Learning This Week
Ms. Payawal’s Class Classroom Newsletter September 2, 2019 Spelling Words 1. big 2. dig 3. hop 4. cat 5. mop 6. tug 7. rug 8. flat 9. unrest 10. best What We’re Learning This Week Reading: (Review Unit) Name, sound and formation of Q, J, X, Y and Z, sound and decoding of “ck”. Practice decoding patterns and compare informational texts and review endmarks. Math: Add with unknown by counting up and commutative property of addition. Religion: God loves us all, discover people who help us know God and learn to be kind and generous. Social Studies: Learn about Johnny Chapman and the time era he grew up in. Writing: Label a picture and make a list. Homework Students of the Week Massiel Villanueva Sophia Sterlino Tuesday: Math lessons 11 & 12 Read new Spelling Words R.E.D. Folder Wednesday: Math Lessons 13 & 14 Label and color animal Thursday: Math Lessons 15 & 16 Rainbow Write Words Friday: Poetry Binder Reminders: 9/4 Welcome Back Liturgy /25 TK-2 Mass 9/20 Elementary Staff Day- No School /27 Welcome Back PTG Event

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