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Reception – RE Scheme of Work Understanding the World

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1 Reception – RE Scheme of Work Understanding the World
People and Communities/The World Autumn Learning Outcomes Spring Summer Reception Where do we belong? Additional Knowledge -Special places to us -People who are special to us and why -Important buildings -Eid -Diwali -The Christmas Story Re‐tell religious stories making connections with personal experiences Share and record occasions when things have happened in their lives that made them feel special Recall simply what happens at a traditional Christian infant baptism and dedication Recall simply what happens when a baby is welcomed into Islam. Which stories are special and why? -Chinese New Year -People who help us -Easter Story -New Life/growth Talk about some religious stories Recognise some religious words, e.g. about God Identify some of their own feelings in the stories they hear Identify a sacred text e.g. Bible, Qur’an Talk about what Jesus teaches about keeping promises and say why keeping promises is a good thing to do What is special about our world? -World cultural diversity day -Food tasting from various cultures -Minibeasts/growth/care of creatures and environment -Discussing changes and the future -Consequences Talk about things they find interesting, puzzling or wonderful and also about their own experiences and feelings about the world Re‐tell stories, talking about what they say about the world, God, human beings Think about the wonders of the natural world, expressing ideas and feelings Express ideas about how to look after animals and plants Talk about what people do to mess up the world and what they do to look after it EYFS Assessment Understanding the World-People and Communities

2 Reception – RE Scheme of Work Understanding the World
People and Communities/The World  Reception Autumn Learning Outcomes Spring Summer Session 1 Where do we belong? Additional Knowledge -Special places to us -People who are special to us and why -Important buildings -Harvest -Eid -Diwali -Hannukah -The Christmas Story Share and record occasions when things have happened in their lives that made them feel special Which stories are special and why? -Chinese New Year -People who help us -Easter Story -New Life/growth Identify some of their own feelings in the stories they hear What is special about our world? -World cultural diversity day -Food tasting from various cultures -Minibeasts/growth and care of creatures and environment -Discussing changes and the future -Consequences Express ideas about how to look after animals and plants Session 2 People who are special to us and why. Recall simply what happens at a traditional Christian infant baptism and dedication Talk about some religious stories Recognise some religious words, e.g. about God Think about the wonders of the natural world, expressing ideas and feelings Session 3 How we grow. Recall simply what happens when a baby is welcomed into Islam. Identify a sacred text e.g. Bible, Qur’an Talk about things they find interesting, puzzling or wonderful and also about their own experiences and feelings about the world Session 4 Special Places. Re‐tell religious stories making connections with personal experiences Session 5 Important Buildings. Talk about what Jesus teaches about keeping promises and say why keeping promises is a good thing to do Re‐tell stories, talking about what they say about the world, God, human beings Session 6 Eid/Diwali Session 7 Talk about what people do to mess up the world and what they do to look after it

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