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Paying for Post-Secondary Education

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1 Paying for Post-Secondary Education
$ $ $

2 Scholarships, Bursaries, etc
OSAP -- everyone should apply; complete estimator Where to look??? 1) CB website > Guidance > Scholarships > CB Scholarships doc update 2019 (pdf) 2) Scholarship search sites (sign up) There are other scholarship finder websites (ex. Find My that have fees

3 3) Specific College and University websites - ‘Financial Aid and Awards’
Automatic entrance scholarships + awards requiring applications (check due dates) 4) Research possible scholarships through parents’ work, religious and/or ethnic affiliations, IB, any type of extracurricular activity (ex. hockey, cadets, etc.)

4 Loran Scholarship Variety of awards of various amounts: largest ones can only be used at partner universities (see list on website); smaller awards can be used at any public Canadian university Looking for strength of character, commitment to serving others and leadership potential

5 Must be Canadian citizen or permanent resident and have min
Must be Canadian citizen or permanent resident and have min. cumulative aver. of 85% (gr. 9-11) Colonel By can nominate 3 students for the Sponsored pool but anyone can submit to the Direct pool

6 > Becoming a Scholar > Apply
Complete application and print* to hand in to Guidance by NOON on Monday, September 30 Everyone can indicate ‘sponsored’ on application (unless only applying to Direct pool) and list as sponsor

7 Important points: In order to print pdf, need to get to ‘Review & Submit’** page to ‘Preview Application’ (then right click to print) - DON’T NEED TO SUBMIT YET ** have to upload transcript (I will print off ‘working versions’ for everyone but can request official from Ms. Jarrett) + enter Reference’s address (don’t have to be actual ones at this time - can go back

8 Dates for Loran applications (2019/20)
NOON, Sept submit printed application (don’t need transcript) to Guidance to be considered for school Nomination for Direct Pool October 9 (latest) - 3 school Nominees will be notified and will then need to finalize their application and SUBMIT so Reference will get sent a link to fill out reference page & then comes to me to indicate sponsorship (all must be done by Oct. 17) October 17, 8pm - deadline to submit Sponsored applications October 24, 8pm - deadline for Direct pool applications Nov. - Feb - various levels of selection process (ex. Regional interviews for short-listed ‘sponsored’ candidates in Nov/Dec) Had Direct pool student get short-listed last year - had 2 phone interviews

9 Queen’s Chancellor’s Scholarship
Requires 90%+ aver. of all gr 9-11 marks + Nov. gr 12 mrks CB can nominate 2 students (NO LONGER linked to QuARMS application) Watch for CV ad in early Nov. - will be due to Guidance around mid-Nov.; there will be an info. page available in guidance to detail what to do Complete ‘Practice’ Application on Queen’s Major Awards website to submit to Guidance

10 Important points: Must apply to Queen’s on OUAC by approx. Nov. 15 to ensure you get access to your Queen’s SOLUS account by the Dec. 1 Chancellor deadline (you will be informed if you are a CB nominee approx. 1 week before) Don’t need to include a Credit Counselling Summary or Reference letter to apply for Nomination (have Reference ready in case you’re nominated)

11 Other School-nominated Scholarships
U of T National Book Award - non-monetary (a book); don’t need to be a winner to apply to National Scholarship Schulich Leader Scholarship - pursuing a university program in Science, Technology, Engineering or Mathematics at one of 20 partner schools; need average of 90% in gr. 11&12 Uor M courses. Only 1 CB nomination. Ad. on CV before Christmas Break Western National Scholarship - we can nominate 4 students; will advertise on CV in January, 2020 If you hear about a scholarship that requires a school nomination that isn’t listed in our Scholarship, please discuss with your Guidance Counsellor

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