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The Present Simple Tense

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Presentation on theme: "The Present Simple Tense"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Present Simple Tense
M. Imam Santoso

2 Present Simple Usage

3 We use the Present Simple to talk about things we do all of the time.
Habits We use the Present Simple to talk about things we do all of the time. Examples: I get the service bus at 7:00 every morning. Ali brushes his teeth before he goes to bed. I play football at break time. My sister goes sailing at the weekend.

4 We use the Present Simple to talk about things that are always true.
The sky is blue. The Earth goes round the Sun. I am a student. SEV is on the Asian Side of Istanbul. Tigers are big cats. School starts at 8.05am and finishes at 3.30pm.

5 Verb Verb 1 (es/s) Positive Sentence Object Subject She He It
Go – goes Play – plays Drink - Drinks Object To Bandung Football juice Time Everyday Every week Every Year Now

6 Verb Verb 1 Object Positive Sentence Subject I You They We Go Play
Drink Object To Bandung Football juice Time Everyday Every week Every Year Now

7 Verb Negative Sentence Object Subject She He It Auxiliary Verb 1 Go
Does not Doesn’t Verb Verb 1 Go Play Drink Object To School Kite juice Time Everyday Every week Every Year Now

8 Verb Negative Sentence Object Subject I You They We Auxiliary Verb 1
Do not Don’t Verb Verb 1 Go Play Drink Object To School Kite juice Time Everyday Every week Every Year Now

9 Verb question Sentence Object Auxiliary Does Subject She He It Verb 1
Go Play Drink Object To School Kite juice Time Everyday Every week Every Year Now Yes, She/he/it does No, She/he/it doesn’t

10 Verb question Sentence Object Auxiliary Do Subject I You Verb 1 Go
They We Verb Verb 1 Go Play Drink Object To School Kite juice Time Everyday Every week Every Year Now Yes, I/You/They/We do No, I/You/They/We do

11 Remember... Verbs ending in ch, s, sh, o, x add – es watch – watches
guess – guesses finish – finishes go – goes fix - fixes Verbs ending in a consonant (b,c,d,f,g...) change y to ies study – studies carry – carries Fly - flies

12 Find the mistakes Do he like basketball? I likes eating pizza.
She do her homework on the service bus. The film finishs at eight. My friends goes on holiday next week. She carrys her little sister to the car in the morning. Nicole Kidman act in a lot of films. We plays in the garden at break. Our teacher talk very clearly.

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