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Getting Dogs Off Chains

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Presentation on theme: "Getting Dogs Off Chains"— Presentation transcript:

1 Getting Dogs Off Chains
Darcie Kurtz Founder, Executive Director F.I.D.O. (Friends of Indianapolis Dogs Outside) ::

2 Who we are fighting for:

3 Who we are fighting for:

4 Who we are fighting for:

5 Getting Started Get dog supplies Get a van or truck Get signs, vests
Get handouts Get a smile Get a greeting Get out there!

6 Getting Started Target low-income areas
Drive down alleys to find dogs in backyards Go to front door and offer assistance Keep it light and friendly Keep it non-judgmental Stay calm and stay safe

7 Dog Supplies Inside training crates Flea treatment Dog houses
Straw bedding Dog food and treats Collars and leashes Long tie-outs

8 Spay/Neuter! Acquire S/N funding
Work free S/N into your outreach conversations Try to fix every dog and cat you touch Use free supplies and services as incentives Offer S/N transport if needed

9 Getting Dogs Inside the House
Emphasize dogs are better protectors inside the house At least overnight Supporting Supplies: training crates, chew toys flea treatment collars, leashes Follow-up

10 Building Fences Make S/N a pre-requisite Great incentive for S/N
Use 6 ft tall chain-link kennel panels for ease of construction Reinforce kennel for escape artists Panels are movable for transient clients

11 Building Fences Provide guidance for putting 2 dogs together
Tie fence to house to facilitate bringing dogs inside Try to get support from fencing companies Charge a nominal fee Follow up

12 Importance of Ordinances
Education and assistance is often not enough Ordinances enable you to help people stay legal People generally want to comply with ordinances Or if all else fails, to legally get the dog removed to a better life

13 Improving Ordinances Make the ordinances specific:
No tethering between 11 pm and 6 am No tethering if unaltered No tethering of pups < 6 months old Dogs cannot be outside when <20F or >90F Very specific shelter requirements Pen size must be at least 100 square feet

14 The Power of Elected Officials
Find a Champion for the Cause: City Councilor Animal Control Official Prosecutor’s Office

15 The Power of “Us” You do the leg-work and research Together you draft the proposal You gather public support Your official gets the votes

16 Educational Campaign Because people can’t comply if they don’t know the law: Mass media Social media Neighborhood meetings Brochures Bus Ads Billboards

17 Partnering with Law Enforcement
Partner on Outreach with ACOs Assist Animal Care and Control with their cases Animal Care and Control is seen in a more positive light Your organization is seen as having more clout

18 Partnering with Law Enforcement
The “Carrot” and the “Stick” Address problems immediately: Enable compliance Impound as last resort Animal Care and Control can get police assistance

19 Community Cats Because where there are lots of chained dogs … … there are lots of community cats Cats need our help too Carry cat food and cat flea treatment Arrange for S/N for friendly community cats Partner with TNR group to follow up for ferals

20 Pitfalls Don’t go out after dark Don’t go alone Don’t trespass
Don’t interact with dogs unless owner gives the okay

21 More Pitfalls Don’t approach chained dogs
Don’t forget to look for loose dogs Don’t forget to train volunteers on responding to dog attacks/bites Don’t be discouraged by rejection or hostility

22 Pearls (of wisdom) Most people are receptive to help If you feel threatened, step away Offer most everything for free, to get your foot in the door Don’t push S/N too hard, too soon

23 More Pearls Don’t make people feel singled out as a bad owner
Stay calm, be honest, look people in the eye Look for the good in people, accept less than perfect Follow up, follow up, follow up!

24 Work that Remains Weak state animal welfare laws
Animals are property in Indiana Communities across the state have weak dog care and treatment ordinances Communities across the state lack effective animal care and control agencies

25 What It’s All About Before After

26 What It’s All About

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