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Published byEzra Nicholson Modified over 5 years ago
“Welcome Back” Webinar for SU/SD and School VTPBIS Coordinators
Presented by the VTPBIS State Team
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That’s why PBIS is such an effective framework for starting a successful school year!
School-wide PBIS creates a climate in which positive social and academic behavior is the norm PBIS calls on schools to teach students about behavior, just as they would any other subject The purpose of schoolwide PBIS is to establish a climate in which positive social and academic behavior is the norm. It also helps schools decide how to respond to a child who misbehaves. At its heart, PBIS calls on schools to teach kids about behavior, just as they would teach about any other subject—like reading or math. The PBIS framework establishes effective continuum of responses for problem behaviors that are implemented with consistently and fidelity. The PBIS framework establishes an effective continuum of responses to problem behaviors that are implemented with consistency and fidelity
U.S. Schools Using PBIS August 2019
30% of all Schools 15,284,640 Students # of schools with active leadership teams reporting implementation of PBIS to state teams (as per state PBIS leaders) Based on total # of US Schools (91,119) of most recent NCES data ( ) Based on median school size (560) of most recent NCES data ( )
Proposed Agenda for Today’s Webinar
VTPBIS Coordinator Roles Why, What, and How Strategies to Start the Year Resources and Activities to Support you What’s New this Year Stay Connected
Vermont PBIS System of Support
FEEDBACK LOOPS SUPPORT LOOPS School Level: School Coordinators SU/SD Level: SU/SD Coordinators State Level: TAs Trainers Coaches Leadership Teams at ALL Levels of Support We’ve learned the importance of identifying a contact at each level of the cascade. We’ve learned that the beauty of a healthy cascade is that it will continue to sustain if one piece is missing….
Why VTPBIS SU/SD Coordinators?
Research shows that one of the greatest predictors of sustainability is: District administration actively supports PBIS (e.g., describes SWPBIS as a top priority, provides clear direction) and embeds into school and/or district policy (e.g., action plans, school improvement plans, mission/vision statements) (Mathews, S., McIntosh, K., Frank, J. L., & May, S. (2014))
From VTPBIS SU/SD Coordinators Checklist
Three functions least in place: Participate in ‘Data Days (14% in place) Create dissemination strategy (33% in place) Attend School-based PBIS Leadership Team meetings 2-3 times per year” (33% in place)
Why VTPBIS School Coordinators?
The VTPBIS School Coordinator is the ultimate “cheerleader” and advocate for PBIS at the building level Provides technical assistance and support to the leadership team and school staff to improve implementation of the components of PBIS
From VTPBIS Coordinators Checklist
Functions least in place: Participate in ‘Data Days’ two times a year (29% in place) “Create dissemination strategy (31% in place) “Organize and report PBIS data to Team, School, SU/SD, and State” (43% in place)
https://www. pbisvermont
Remember to Support your Administrator and Your Leadership Team
What is the strongest predictor of disproportionality in school discipline? The school principal’s endorsement of exclusionary discipline and zero tolerance policies. One of the strongest predictors of SWPBIS sustainability is administrator support (Coffey & Horner, 2012) Perceived administrative support has the strongest impact on sustainability (McIntosh, Predy, et al., in press) Sustainability is supported by administrators who allocate resources (e.g., time, incentives, training), communicate expectations, and address competing practices that may decrease resources (Blase & Fixsen, 2004)
Great Strategies to Start the Year
1. Review and Use your Data
Is your team ready for collecting, reviewing, and analyzing data? SWIS Readiness Checklist (online) Do you have a data-based problem-solving process to use this year? Consider Team Initiated Problem Solving (TIPS) (recorded webinar online)
Develop Measurable Goals
Use your PBIS fidelity (TFI and SAS) and student outcome (ODR) data for action planning Create measurable goals How will you know if PBIS is working if you are not sure where it should be taking you?
Sample Outcomes Reduce ODRs Reduce bullying Increase attendance
Decrease referrals for Special Education Increase building morale Improve academic scores Amy
Sample Outcome Statements
“Given school-wide implementation of PBIS with fidelity, we will decrease the number of student suspensions and expulsions by 10% by the end of the school year.” “As a result of teaching and rewarding homework completion, students will submit homework on 80% of opportunities across the next quarter.” Amy
Plan Now to Complete the VTPBIS Assessments: Due Jan-March
Tiered Fidelity Inventory Self-Assessment Survey
27 TFI Recorded Webinar
Raise your hand if you’ve been to this website? This is the portal to access SWIS and PBIS Assessments – BoQ, BAT, SAS, SET TFI Recorded Webinar
2. Calibrate Your Staff Review and update your VTPBIS Handbook:
Schedule for teaching expectations Student, class-wide, and school-wide acknowledgements Flow chart for responding to problem behaviors Problem Behavior Definitions
Identify and Understand Minor vs. Major Behaviors
The first grade class writes in a journal. The topic focuses on a particular letter each day. During the letter “F” day, Sarah writes an inappropriate word she has learned from some older students on the playground. She shows her journal to all of the students around her. Use the Problem Behavior Definitions Activities DEFINE “Close Confusers!”
3. Roll-Out to All All Staff/Teachers Families & Community Students
Examples: Work smarter – combine existing events (ie. Back to school nights, newsletters, sports events, student handbook, WEBSITE, parent handbook
3. Roll-Out Connect Expectations to… Positive Feedback Examples:
Use and Share your VTPBIS Handbook
If you’ve just completed the Universal Training, you developed an implementation plan……If not, important to have a plan every year!
In the chat box, type some of your own best ideas for rolling out PBIS
Your turn! In the chat box, type some of your own best ideas for rolling out PBIS
Roll-Out to Families Why?
Building these connections promotes positive outcomes for students Opportunity to extend the evidence-based interventions into the home Each school community has their own unique culture. No set of practices will work equally well without careful consideration to your school environment. Non-example: Parent teacher conferences as the only place to share info about PBIS
Roll-Out to Families – Concrete Examples:
Let families know when lessons will be conducted at school and encourage families to teach lessons at home Send families a PBIS family newsletter with “cool tools” for home Connect Acknowledgement system at home What do you do? Cool Tools are lesson plans used to teach the school's behavior expectations. Cool Tools are used to teach all the students what is expected of them and what that looks like. Throughout the school year, new lessons are taught to all students. The selection, creation, and priority for which lessons are taught should be based on the school's data. See Fletcher Vacation Letter – in Files Pod
Roll-Out to Families – Concrete Examples
I am respectful Listen to my parents Be truthful to my parents Play cooperatively Speak nicely to others I am responsible Put away my toys, bike, and equipment Help with jobs at home Follow my parents’ directions Share Thursday folder with parents I am safe Play safely with others Stay in designated areas Stay away from strangers Wear bike helmet and equipment PBIS Home Matrix Here is another example of a PBIS matrix for use by families in their homes.
Roll-Out to Families Invite families to participate in the design and implementation of the Universal Level including school-wide celebrations Examples on website Each school community has their own unique culture. No set of practices will work equally well without careful consideration to your school environment. Non-example: Parent teacher conferences as the only place to share info about PBIS
What’s New this Year!
VTPBIS State Team Focus Areas
Embedding Restorative Principles into PBIS Framework Including Students with Disabilities MH Partnerships Data Days Alignment PBIS in the Classroom
Resources Available to Support You!
Three types of TA to VTPBIS schools and SU/SDs:
VTPBIS State TAs Three types of TA to VTPBIS schools and SU/SDs: SYSTEMS: Supports readiness for VTPBIS training at all tiers Identifies other VTPBIS Professional Learning opportunities; Connects resources to school/SU/SD PD and Coaching needs Consults about implementation dips DATA: Promotes use of the VTPBIS data tools (Tiered Fidelity Inventory; Self-Assessment Survey, SWIS, etc.); Supports SWIS implementation Supports for sharing data with stakeholders PRACTICES: Recommends strategies for implementing PBIS with fidelity at all tiers Identifies evidence-based practices
Other Tools & Resources
Where to find the: -Calendar -Resources -Bulletin Board -Contact INFO – Update -Quarterly Newsletters -Updates
Other Tools & Resources
Looking for fresh ideas? Check out these websites…..
Important Events! October 10th VTPBIS Leadership Forum – Killington–
Session: Coordinators Learning and Networking Coordinator Learning and Networking Series: January: January 9th (9am-12:30pm) at the Holiday Inn, South Burlington January 10th (9am-12:30pm) at the Franklin Center, Rutland May: May 7th (9am-12:30pm) at the Holiday Inn, South Burlington May 8th (9am-12:30pm) at the Franklin Center, Rutland Topic in the AM and Networking, Problem-solving in the PM
Stay Connected!
Update your Contacts – PLEASE!
Update your VTPBIS contacts to reflect staffing changes. To update contacts, click “Update my contacts” on the VTPBIS School Directory.
Stay Connected Please share all of the awesome things you are doing by using #VTPBIS
PBIS Great Ideas!
VTPBIS Great Ideas!
Key Message to Start the Year: Demonstrate urgent patience
Key Message to Start the Year: Demonstrate urgent patience! Begin each day with a sense of urgency while having a realistic view of time. Recognize that a few years may be needed to attain important and ambitious goals and come to work each day committed to finding every opportunity to make progress toward those goals. Thank you! Any questions?
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