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Satellite Innovation Steve Spengler, CEO.

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1 Satellite Innovation Steve Spengler, CEO

2 Customer-First Innovation
( ) Consumer Experience = * 5G + Mobility + Ubiquity Simplicity

3 Macro Trends and Consumer Expectations
5G Mobile penetration will grow to 71% in 2025* 95% of all data center traffic will come from the cloud by 2021** 15% of total connections will be 5G by 2025* 71% want a consistent experience across channels; only 29% say they actually get it.* *GSMA, The mobile economy ** Cisco Global Cloud Index

4 5G Rollouts Over the Next 5-7 Years

5 The 5G Opportunity for Satellite
Nokia Technology Vision 2020

6 Ubiquitous Mobility Requires Satellite
…To deploy 5G ubiquitously, the satellite transport conduit can and must be integrated into the overall available 5G architecture…* In-flight Maritime In remote areas Rail Connectivity on-the-go Off-shore *Emerging Technologies And Their Expected Impact On Non-Federal Spectrum Demand, Technology Policy Office.

7 Ubiquity Means More Than Coverage
Ubiquity = Coverage + Economics + Consistent Experience Businesses People

8 Ubiquity Means More Than Coverage
Ubiquity = Coverage + Economics + Consistent Experience In more than half of the LMICs, the cost of an entry-level internet enabled device is more than 20% of average monthly income* Avg affordability of data (1GB) is worst in sub Saharan Africa at 6.8%* of average monthly income 20% 1GB 4 billion globally are not connected *The State of Broadband, September, 2019 For people

9 The Role of Economics in Providing Ubiquity
The industry ecosystem comes together to provide connectivity in sub-Saharan Africa

10 Ubiquity Means More Than Coverage
Ubiquity = Coverage + Economics + Consistent Experience The global edge computing market is set to grow by over 25% between and 2023*** 89% of organizations have adopted or have plans to adopt a digital-first strategy* 94% of data center traffic will come from the cloud by 2021** *State of Digital Business Transformation, IDG, **Cisco Global Cloud Index, November ***Edge Computing Market 2019 Global Trends… Reuters Plus. March 2019

11 The Need for Access to Cloud Resources
By 2021: 46% Growth in global data center traffic* 20.6 Zettabytes in annual global data center traffic* Public internet 94% Of all data center traffic will come from the cloud* Global, secure, private access to the hybrid cloud on land, over the sea and in the air *Cisco Global Cloud Index, November 2018

12 Ubiquity Means More Than Coverage
Ubiquity = Coverage + Economics + Consistent Experience Businesses People 100% of the world’s population and businesses are covered by satellite

13 Simplicity = Software + Standards Affordability
19X $2 Trillion 55% 20% - 30% Enterprise investment in AI from * In worldwide spending in 2022 as organizations commit to Digital Transformation* of enterprises have plans to roll out SD-WAN in the next two years*** of GDP growth relates to the development of standards** *IDC **Economic Impact of Technology Standards, Compass Lexicon, September, ***State of Digital Business Transformation, IDG, 2018

14 While Unprecedented Innovation and Progress Have Occurred…
High throughput satellites Software defined satellites NGSO innovations Launcher innovations Mission extension vehicles

15 …Simplicity is a Hurdle that the Industry Must Overcome
Standardization Interoperability Small and affordable terminals Photo by Tim Foster on Unsplash

16 …To Fulfill our Customers’ Expectations
Consumer Experience = Simplicity 5G ( ) * + Mobility Ubiquity Photo by Tim Foster on Unsplash

17 ...Then the Opportunities are Endless
A share of the $2.2 Trillion 5G Market Close to 8 Billion connected people Connecting 200 Billion objects Photo by Tim Foster on Unsplash

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