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Unit 1 Women of achievement.

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1 Unit 1 Women of achievement

2 Words and Expressions achievement n. 成就;功绩 welfare n. 福利;福利事业 project
institute specialist connection n. 成就;功绩 n. 福利;福利事业 n. 项目;工程;规划 n. 学会;学院;协会 n. 专家;专业工作者 n. 连接;关系

3 Words and Expressions human being campaign organization 人 n. 运动;战役
vi. 作战;参加运动 n. 组织;机构;团体

4 Let’s read the following descriptions about some great women.
Try to guess who they are.

5 She was Dr Sun Yat-sen’s wife
She was Dr Sun Yat-sen’s wife. She was one of the top leaders in modern Chinese history. She concerned herself with welfare projects, especially the China Welfare Institute for women and children. Song Qingling ( ), China

6 She was the only female monarch (君主) of China, and remains the most remarkable (非凡的), influential woman in Chinese history. Empress Wu Zetian ( ), Tang Dynasty

7 She was an inventor and a
scientist from Poland. She went to Paris and studied physics and chemistry there. She is the only woman scientist who was awarded two Nobel Prizes. On July 4, 1934, she died of leukemia (白血病) brought on by too much contact with radium. Marie Curie ( ), France

8 She was a Quaker(贵格会教徒)
She was a Quaker(贵格会教徒). She helped improve prison conditions and gave prisoners work and education. Her work helped the Quakers get the Nobel Peace Prize in 1947. Elizabeth Fry ( ), Britain

9 She helped found an international campaign to stop the making of landmines(地雷). She also worked hard to make as many countries as possible agree not to use them. She and her organization were given the Nobel Peace Prize in 1997. Jody Williams ( ), USA

10 She was a doctor who became a specialist in women’s illnesses
She was a doctor who became a specialist in women’s illnesses. She devoted all her life to medical work for Chinese women and children. Her work encouraged many other women to become doctors. Lin Qiaozhi ( ), China

11 As a young girl, she always wanted to study animals
As a young girl, she always wanted to study animals. She went to Africa and studied chimps instead of going to university. Her research showed the connections between chimps and human beings. She works to protect chimps everywhere. Jane Goodall ( ), Britain

12 She was a girl from the countryside who dressed as a man and went to fight for the French. She helped drive the English out of France. She was caught and put to death by the English. Joan of Arc ( ), France

13 Name Ambition Problems Sacrifices Joan of Arc To drive the English from France Women were not allowed to fight like a man. She lost her life.

14 Name Ambition Problems Sacrifices Elizabeth Fry To help improve prison conditions Less time was spent with her husband and family. She was criticized for neglecting her family and enjoying fame.

15 Name Ambition Problems Sacrifices Song Qingling To work for civil rights, democracy and peace Her relatives held political opinions completely different from hers. After her husband died, she lived alone.

16 Name Ambition Problems Sacrifices Lin Qiaozhi Women had greater difficulties getting into medical college and getting further training. To help women and children with their illness and health She never got married or had a family of her own.

17 Name Ambition Problems Sacrifices Jane Goodall To work with animals in the wild She lived a hard life in the wild. She gave up the comforts of life to study the chimps.

18 She has lost her own personal time because of the demands of the job.
Name Ambition Problems Sacrifices Jody Williams It isn’t easy to work with groups in different countries and persuade governments to stop the making and use of landmines. She has lost her own personal time because of the demands of the job. To prevent the making and use of landmines

19 3. Match the words with theirmeanings.
a group of people formed together to achieve a certain aim a series of planned activities with a social or political aim happiness and health of people; money paid by the government the way in which two facts, events, etc. are related to each other a society that has a particular purpose a man, woman or child welfare institute connections human beings campaign organization

20 What do they have in common?
Think of some adjectives to describe great women intelligent independent responsible perseverant unselfish great men warm-hearted considerate hard-working brave confident determined

21 Talking Do you know a woman who really inspires or encourages you?
Describe her and explain why. Tips: What does she look like? What did she do to impress you most? How would you describe her? Why do you admire her? What are her strength/weakness?

22 Hard-working勤奋的, energetic 精力充沛的, active
Determined 坚决的, intelligent聪明的, fair美丽 Generous Kind, helpful, modest谦虚的, confident自信的, brave勇敢的 Honest, considerate体贴的, unselfish 无私的 Devoted献身的, educated受过教育的, warm-hearted

23 III. Listening 1. Discuss in groups.
do man and women have fair chance? Is it easy for women to succeed? What difficulties might women meet?

24 Listening 3. Listen to the tape again and take notes on the
暂停 Listening 3. Listen to the tape again and take notes on the three problems given in the listening. 1) Girls have more difficulty getting an than boys. 2) Women have more difficulty getting to the of their chosen career. 3) Women are more likely to give up their careers to or run the house.

25 Listening 3. Listen to the tape again and take notes on the
three problems given in the listening. 1) Girls have more difficulty getting an education than boys. 2) Women have more difficulty getting to the top of their chosen career. 3) Women are more likely to give up their careers to look after children or run the house. 暂停

26 Listening 4. Listen once more and fill in the blanks. prevents
暂停 4. Listen once more and fill in the blanks. prevents This way of thinking _________ some girls from training for a _________. 2) Unless women are given the _________, they will never be able to show that they can ________ __________ successfully. 3) These are women’s ____________ while men do not have this problem. They can work long ________ and go on__________ __________. career opportunity run companies responsibilities hours trips business

27 Homework and expressions of the Reading in the dictionary.
Look up the new words and expressions of the Reading in the dictionary. 2. Preview the Reading: A STUDENT OF AFRICAN WILDLIFE

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