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Fig. 1. (A) Kwanghyewon, renamed as Chejungwon (House of Civilized Virtue), at its opening as the Korea's first modernized hospital in 1885. (B) Present.

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Presentation on theme: "Fig. 1. (A) Kwanghyewon, renamed as Chejungwon (House of Civilized Virtue), at its opening as the Korea's first modernized hospital in 1885. (B) Present."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fig. 1. (A) Kwanghyewon, renamed as Chejungwon (House of Civilized Virtue), at its opening as the Korea's first modernized hospital in (B) Present day Yonsei University Health System in (C) Lecture in Dermatology by Kung Sun Oh, the founder of Yonsei Dermatology, in The students were taught ‘Lupus Vulgaris’ as indicated in the blackboard. Adapted from Bang and Chung. Early Roots of Western Medicine and a Pioneer of Social Work in Korea: Dr. Kung Sun Oh (1878–1963). Yonsei Med J 2016;57:277–2826. Fig. 1. (A) Kwanghyewon, renamed as Chejungwon (House of Civilized Virtue), at its opening as the Korea's first modernized hospital in (B) Present day Yonsei University Health System in (C) Lecture in Dermatology by Kung Sun Oh, the founder of Yonsei Dermatology,… Ann Dermatol Oct;30(5):

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