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1 meter sea level rise zone and coastal commission CDP jurisdiction

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1 1 meter sea level rise zone and coastal commission CDP jurisdiction
1 meter SLRZ CCC permit jurisdiction CCC appeal jurisdiction HBAP Next we are going to discuss the issues and concerns centered around the significant extent of the Coastal Commission’s permit jurisdiction. This map shows the SLRZ/1meter inundation area around Humboldt Bay in yellow, and the Commission’s primary coastal development permit jurisdiction is crosshatched. The stippled area is the Coastal Commission’s appeal jurisdiction, where decisions made by the County on a coastal development permit are appealable to the Coastal Commission. You can see that virtually the entire shoreline in the unincorporated portions of the county remain in the Commission’s jurisdiction.

2 Dike breach during a king tide inundating low-lying lands on south bay
Dikes can be either breached or overtopped by rising seas. This is an example of a breached levee, which occurred during a king tide, inundating low-lying lands in south bay. Photo Credit – Aldaron Laird

3 Exposed Eroding Dike on Eureka Slough
This is an example of an eroding dike on Eureka Slough. Photo Credit – Aldaron Laird

4 MCNULTY SLOUGH, END OF Indianola Reservation Road
Low and degrading dikes

5 McNulty Slough (Eel river Area Plan) at the end of Indianola Reservation Road Low and Degrading Dikes Photo Credit – Google Earth

6 Arcata bottoms December 2004 Cardoza ranch levee breach
An earthen dike breached during king tide and high waves in 2003 resulted in hundreds of acres flooded by saltwater, with a temporary water cofferdam (Times-Standard Andrew Bird photograph January 26, 2004)

7 Murray field airport December 31, 2005

8 Humboldt county 2016 crop report value of Humboldt agriculture
Livestock $90,488,000 Beef cattle and calves: $51,638,000 Sheep and lambs: $698,000 Dairy: $26,820,000 Aquaculture: $10,280,000 Miscellaneous: $1,052,000 Livestock Products $99,695,000 Market Milk (Conventional): $7,519,000 Market Milk (Organic): $57,884,000 Manufacturing Milk (Conventional): $1,087,000 Manufacturing Milk (Organic): $8,367,000 Miscellaneous: $84,000 Goat Milk: $503,000 Cheese: $24,251,000 Photo from HCDA 2016 Crop Report Photo from HCDA 2016 Crop Report

9 Humboldt bay agricultural lands

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