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UKCRC People in Research

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1 UKCRC People in Research

2 People in Research Presentation notes:
People in Research is a website which helps to bring together members of the public who want to play an active part in the clinical research process with organisations that have opportunities for public involvement in research. By “public involvement in research” we mean activities such as - helping to decide what gets researched -being part of a research team -publicising the results of research Set up in response to 2 of the most FAQs in public involvement in research: Researchers/research organisations asking where they can find members of the public to get involved with their work, and members of the public who would like to get involved but don't know how to. Key part of the website is a searchable database of information about organisations with opportunities for public involvement in research. Visitors to the site are signposted towards the public involvement pages of these organisations to find out more. Developed by INVOLVE ( as a partner in the UK Clinical Research Collaboration ( Further information: For further information and to find out how to include your organisation in the database, or contact the UKCRC Secretariat: phone +44 (0)

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