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Parivaishak Sponsored by Team Markytics….

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Presentation on theme: "Parivaishak Sponsored by Team Markytics…."— Presentation transcript:

1 Parivaishak Sponsored by Team Markytics…

2 About Markytics Market driven analytics…
Markytics is a team of highly qualified and passionate analytics professionals. At Markytics our objective is to develop strategic partnership with our clients to deliver improved profits and enhanced customer value by drawing on our strengths in data analytics and statistical modelling We have recently started offering Analytics training to MBA and Engineering students. We have sponsored events and organised one day workshop (Udemy certified) at Premier League MBA colleges. With objective of teaching students for free we have launched YouTube channel : Markytics Analytics Mastery Club.

3 Case Details Case Background…
Given data file has data of 100 customers and tenure of those customers. You are Brand Manager of company and you are given task of calculating customer lifetime value and accordingly design marketing strategies for future of company. You can refer to YouTube channel : for coming up with innovative strategies. Hint… Calculate Average revenue per customer Calculate Average tenure of customer Use Cost of Acquisition and Retention rate details given with case data

4 Thank You Markytics Contacts: Market Data Driven Analytics
. Thank You Contacts: Mobile: Website :

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