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In 1956,educational psychologist Benjamin Bloom and his collegues described a hierarchy of learning objectives. These might be thought of as ``levels``

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2 In 1956,educational psychologist Benjamin Bloom and his collegues described a hierarchy of learning objectives. These might be thought of as ``levels`` of learning.

3 Evaluation Synthesis Analysis Application Comprehension Knoelrdge The original ``taxonomy`` of levels looked like this:

4 In the 1990s,Lorin Anderson, one of Bloom`s former student, led an effort to update Bloom`s Taxonomy

5 The ``new`` version of the taxonomy looked like this: CreatingEvalutingAnalyzingApplyingUnderstandimgRemembering Incre asing diffic ulty

6 Remembering Recall previous learned information.Examples: Recall a policy. Quote prices from memory to a customer. Knows the safety rules Key words:Defines,describes,identifites,knows





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