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28 August 2019

2 Outline Money Bills and Related Matters Act 2018
Parliamentary Budget Office Core Functions PBO Outputs or product Stakeholder engagements Office organisational structure PBO Workflow process Current operational processes Current challenges Good Afternoon Chairpersons and Colleagues; Thank you for the opportunity for the PBO to make a contribution in this COC induction process; As this allows us an opportunity to share with the Chairpersons about the role of PBO - what is the PBO and how it was established - our mandate as is indicated in the Money Bills and Related Matters Act - how we do our work - about our value add for the Parliament and Committees More importantly, to bring to the Chairpersons attention that PBO was established to support Parliament in its fiscal oversight process, So basically, is to say we are as an office, when processing the budget and other money bill and related instrument; We provide research based technical, objective and independent analysis in support for Parliament fiscal oversight. This is an outline of the presentation, Friday, 18 October 2019

3 Legal Mandate The Money Bills Amendment Procedure and Related Matters Act, as amended in 2018 came into effect in April 2009 It gives Parliament powers to amend the budget and other money bills before it Each House established a Committee on Finance to consider and report on: The national macro-economic and fiscal policy Amendments to the fiscal framework, revised fiscal framework and revenue proposals and Bills Actual revenue published by the National Treasury Any other related matter set out in this Act.

4 Money Bills Amendment Procedure and Related Matters Act 2018
Each house established a Committee on Appropriations to consider and report on: Spending matters Amendments to the Division of Revenue Bill, the Appropriation Bill, Supplementary Appropriations Bills and the Adjustments Appropriations Bill Recommendations of the Financial and Fiscal Commission Reports on actual expenditure published by the National Treasury Any other related matter set out in this Act The Act established a Parliamentary Budget Office (PBO)

5 Money Bills and related matters Act 2018
Established the PBO as a juristic person; The Director is the Accounting Officer of the PBO, and accountable to Parliament; The Director, in consultation with the Advisory Board (2 House Chairpersons and 4 Chairs of Finance and Appropriations Committees) determine the structure and conditions of service of the PBO; The transfer of funds to PBO from Parliament will be in accordance to the Financial Management Act of Parliament; The PBO may obtain information from any organ of state or person that derives funds from the National Revenue Fund; Friday, 18 October 2019

6 Money Bills and Related Matters Act 2018 - Core functions
Undertaking research and analysis for the 4 committees (2 Finance and 2 Appropriations) Annually providing reviews and analysis of the documentation tabled in parliament by the Minister of Finance Providing advice and analysis on proposed amendments to the Fiscal Framework, Division of Revenue Bill and Money Bills and on policy proposals with budgetary implications Monitoring and synthesising matters and reports tabled and adopted in a House with budgetary implications, with particular emphasis on reports by other committees Keeping abreast of policy debates and developments in key expenditure and revenue areas Monitoring and reporting on potential unfunded mandates arising out of legislative, policy and budgetary proposals Undertaking any other work deemed necessary by the Director to support the implementation of the act Friday, 18 October 2019

7 Description of the Output
PBO Outputs PBO Outputs Description of the Output 1. Pre-Budget and Pre-MTBPS briefs Provide analysis to Parliament about the status of the economy and public finance and government performance before the presentation of the National Budget (February) and Medium Term Budge Policy State ( October); 2. Budget and MTBPS analysis Subsequent to the presentation by the Minister of Finance and before Parliament adopt or amend or reject the budget and MTBPS proposals, the PBO provide analysis on economic and fiscal issues to be take into account; 3. Policy Analysis on National Development Plan- Several analysis on the implementation of the National Development Plan, vision 2030 (NDP) in terms of content, context and progress made with the implementation. 4. Quarterly Economic and Fiscal Briefs Quarterly Economic Brief, the PBO provide parliament with an analysis of the economic outlook as the economic performance affects public finances outlook. Fiscal Brief appraise MPs on the status of the of government’s performance in relation to the budget allocated, and these updates are given within six months (pre-MTBPS) of the financial year and just after the end of a financial year. 5. In-year revenue forecast and Forecast Audits In-year revenue forecast, within the first six months of the financial year, PBO provide an estimate of whether government revenue targets for that year will be realised. The PBO estimates are based on historic trends and including first five months of the year’s outcomes being forecasted. Forecast Audits, annually provide an analysis of the government growth estimates. This analysis gives indications of the likelihood of realising forecasted growth given historic performance of the forecasts. 6. Briefs on Taxation and Revenue Matters On request from finance committees, PBO provide an analysis of taxation proposals made during the budget reviews. 7. Research and Analysis Requests from Committees During the financial year Committees may request an analysis on a particular issue with public finance implication. E.g., Votes budget analysis, SOEs financial analysis, Electricity generation technology choices: Costs and considerations, Public Sector Wage Bill, Free Fee HE Costing Analysis, Business incentives for development Friday, 18 October 2019

8 PBO Stakeholder Engagement
Regular engagements with other units in Parliaments, and with civil society during public hearings and other platforms; Established African Network of Parliamentary Budget Offices (AN-PBO) in 2016; Annual AN-PBO Conferences, hosted by SA Parliament in Cape Town; to be in Accra, Ghana in September 2019; Continuous engagements with other PBOs through the Global Network of PBO (GN-PBO) and the OECD Network of PBOs and Independent Fiscal Institutions (IFI)s; Multilateral Institutions involved in establishing and capacitating PBOs: International Monetary Fund (IMF) World Bank Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Collaborative Africa Budget Reform Initiative (CABRI) Initiate engagements with some of the fellow BRICS countries; AGSA, FFC, DPME, NT and other stakeholders; Friday, 18 October 2019

9 PBO: Organisational Structure
Director Vacant Deputy Director: Economics Dr Seeraj Mohamed Economic Analyst Mr Rashaad Amra Ms Fatsani Banda Deputy Director: Finance Dr Dumisani Jantjies Finance Analyst Mr Siphethelo Simelane Finance Analyst Ms Gloria Mnguni Deputy Director: Policy Ms Nelia Orlandi Policy Analyst Dr Mmapula Sekatane Policy Analyst Vacant Office Manager Mr Alfred Monnakgotla Executive Assistant Ms Linda Mangwani Office Co-ordinator Mr Alan Van Zuydam Friday, 18 October 2019

10 PBO Workflow Consideration of money Bills Committee identify specific analysis and research required for decision making NA and NCOP Finance and Appropriations or other Committees Submit formal written request to the Director of the PBO RSA Committee Chairpersons Director PBO considers specific requests from Committees Formal written acknowledgement letter transmitted to Committee Chair Director PBO Parliamentary Budget Office Formulate Terms of Reference Research & Analyse Submit findings to Committee Build capacity Facilitate discussions Friday, 18 October 2019

11 PBO Operations Operated within the Administration of Parliament under Programme 1: Strategic Leadership and Governance All Parliamentary policies applied to the staff of the PBO PBO developed an operational plan in terms of the legal requirements of the Money Bills Act Quarterly feedback meetings with the Advisory Board End-year performance reflected in the annual report of Parliament compiled an annual report based on the operational plan annually, which are submitted to the Executive and Advisory Panel/Board submitted quarterly expenditure and performance information to the relevant structures in Parliament

12 PBO Challenges Current operational uncertainties:
Unapproved 2019/20 Annual operational plan; Uncertainties related to approvals of procurements and other expenditure; Human resources related matters (including performance plans and assessments); Compliance to Money Bills Act 2018; Operationalisation of the Money Bills Act 2018: Three year budget Policies and procedures (sec 35 FMPPL) Vacant Director Policy Analyst

13 Thank you PARLIAMENTARY BUDGET OFFICE Tel: +27 403 2360
Fax: and Fax-to-Mail: Website: Location 4th Floor, Parliament Towers Plein Street


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