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Title of slides 2019 CIGRE SC-A2, B2 & D1 INDIA COLLOQUIUM

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1 Title of slides 2019 CIGRE SC-A2, B2 & D1 INDIA COLLOQUIUM
Please use this template to prepare your presentation Fill in Slide 3 (first slide of presentation) Type in the title of the presentation Specify the number of the preferential subject, name of the main speaker and country The logo of the company or affiliation may be added Format of slide 2 should be used for presentation Slide number may be given on bottom right of each slide 2019 CIGRE SC-A2, B2 & D1 INDIA COLLOQUIUM

Format of this slide is to be used for presentation 2019 CIGRE SC-A2, B2 & D1 INDIA COLLOQUIUM

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Company logo Title of your presentation PS Number, Name of presenter, NAME (Country) 2019 CIGRE SC-A2, B2 & D1 INDIA COLLOQUIUM Logo of your company and footer on the first slide only

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