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Basic Bible Christianity
Lesson Two God created a beautiful universe
God’s Plan of Salvation
Search the Scriptures What is the world’s relationship with God? We are accountable to him. By “the law” is meant the commandments of God. How is it impossible to be declared righteous before God? We cannot observe the law perfectly. To be successful on judgment day we need righteousness, and we’ve seen that righteousness cannot be achieved by the law. Where does the righteousness we need come from? From God, through faith in Jesus Christ God’s Plan of Salvation Lesson 1
God’s Plan of Salvation
Search the Scriptures What is the common plight of all human beings? Sin, fall short of God’s glory How does God justify us (declare us not guilty)? Freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus Who took our place under God’s punishment? Jesus Consider: How did Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross satisfy the requirements of God’s justice and his mercy? God’s Plan of Salvation Lesson 1
God’s Plan of Salvation
True or false T F God’s justice requires that he punish sin—otherwise, he would not be a just God. God can forgive the sins of people who have never heard about Jesus, as long as they try to obey him. Without faith it is impossible to please God. A believer despairs of his or her own righteousness and trusts only the righteousness of Jesus. People who trust in Jesus are holy and perfect in God’s sight. God’s Plan of Salvation Lesson 1
God’s Plan of Salvation
True or false T F A person who loves and trusts in Jesus wants to obey him. God punished Jesus in our place, so we don’t have to be punished for our sins. Christians who live good lives are less sinful than criminals, prostitutes, drug dealers, and dictators. The “good news” of the Bible is that Jesus came to be an example we can now follow to win eternal life. God takes wicked people and declares them righteous in Christ. God’s Plan of Salvation Lesson 1
Questions for discussion
If I am saved by Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross and salvation is a free gift from God, then I can do anything I want, trusting that God will always forgive my sins, for Jesus’ sake. John 14:15—“If you love me, you will obey what I command.” God’s Plan of Salvation Lesson 1
Questions for discussion
If only repentance and faith in Jesus are required for eternal life, then even the worst sinners—such as Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler, and Jeffrey Dahmer—can be saved simply by trusting in Jesus. 1 Timothy 1:15—Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners—of whom I am the worst. God’s Plan of Salvation Lesson 1
Questions for discussion
God demands that for us to enter heaven we must be entirely perfect, holy, and without sin—yet we know that it is impossible for us to be perfect as God demands. Is God unfair for demanding the impossible of us? God’s Plan of Salvation Lesson 1 Good transition into Lesson 2. God created human beings with the ability to be perfect. They blew it. God is not unfair for expecting perfection out of us.
Basic Bible Christianity
God created a beautiful universe Lesson 2 Lesson Two God created a beautiful universe
God created a beautiful universe
Science vs. Religion? There are basically two theories of how the world came into existence. One states that God created all things out of nothing. The other states that the world has evolved over the course of billions of years. From what you know about these two theories, which one is supported by science? God created a beautiful universe Lesson 2 Sometimes we get the impression that creation must be believed by faith while evolution can be proven by science. Or, maybe even more likely, we are led to believe that some science supports creation while other science supports evolution. We’ll come back to this after we examine what the Bible says about creation and what man says about evolution.
God created a beautiful universe
What’s on your mind? As we consider issues of creation (and evolution), what questions would you like to explore and find answers to? God created a beautiful universe Lesson 2
What does the Bible teach us about creation?
Genesis 1:1,2 Q: What does the Bible simply assume as a given? A: God exists. God created a beautiful universe Lesson 2 The history of the BEGINNING of the world is told in GENESIS, chapter 1.
What does the Bible teach us about creation?
Genesis 1:3-5 Q: What did God create on the first day? A: A watery, formless planet suspended in darkness Light (separated from darkness) Cycle of day and night (time) God created a beautiful universe Lesson 2 God created all things—heaven and earth—and then began to give them order. The first thing he did was separate light from darkness and start the cycle of day and night.
What does the Bible teach us about creation?
Genesis 1:6-8 Q: What did God create on the second day? A: Sky that separates water on the earth from water above the earth God created a beautiful universe Lesson 2
What does the Bible teach us about creation?
Genesis 1:9-13 Q: What did God create on the third day? A: Dry land and oceans Vegetation, seed-bearing plants, trees that bear fruit God created a beautiful universe Lesson 2
What does the Bible teach us about creation?
Genesis 1:14-19 Q: What did God create on the fourth day? A: Sun, moon, and stars (other planets) Orbits that establish months, seasons, and years God created a beautiful universe Lesson 2 Notice how there was light before there was a sun. A wonderful example of God’s tremendous power.
What does the Bible teach us about creation?
Genesis 1:20-23 Q: What did God create on the fifth day? A: Water creatures of all kinds Birds of all kinds God created a beautiful universe Lesson 2
What does the Bible teach us about creation?
Genesis 1:24-31 Q: What did God create on the sixth day? A: Land animals Man Woman God created a beautiful universe Lesson 2
What makes humans special?
Genesis 1:26-28 Q: What did God do before creating humans? A: He “deliberated” with himself. Q: How are humans special? A: They are created in the image of God. God created a beautiful universe Lesson 2
God created a beautiful universe
Key term Ephesians 4:24—Put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness. Image of God = holy, righteous, perfect Adam and Eve had a perfect knowledge of God’s holy will and a perfect ability to keep that will. God created a beautiful universe Lesson 2 The image of God has nothing to do with the way human beings look. God is invisible. He has no physical appearance. Instead, “the image of God” describes their spiritual quality. Human beings are the only creatures who have immortal souls. And in the beginning, that soul was in perfect harmony with its Creator. It was holy and righteous in every way just like God. It had a perfect knowledge of God’s will and a perfect desire to obey that will.
What makes humans so special?
Genesis 1:26-28 Q: What did God do before creating humans? A: He “deliberated” with himself. Q: How are humans special? A: They are created in the image of God. Q: What position did God give humans in his world? A: Ruler God created a beautiful universe Lesson 2
How does creation compare with evolution?
Philosophical Question Bible Passage The answer according to Scripture The answer according to the theory of evolution How did the world get here? Genesis 1:1 God created all things out of nothing Big Bang How long did it take? Exodus 20:11 Six 24-hour days 4.54 billion years By what means did the universe come into existence? Genesis 1:3, et al. His powerful Word Natural selection—“survival of the fittest” Chance What is a human being? Genesis 1:27 The crown of God’s creation, made in the image of God The highest evolved animal, a descendant of apes What is a human being’s purpose in this world? Psalm 100 To whom is a human being accountable? 2 Corinthians 5:10 Philosophical Question Bible Passage The answer according to Scripture The answer according to the theory of evolution How did the world get here? Genesis 1:1 God created all things out of nothing Big Bang How long did it take? Exodus 20:11 Six 24-hour days 4.54 billion years By what means did the universe come into existence? Genesis 1:3, et al. His powerful Word Natural selection—“survival of the fittest” Chance What is a human being? Genesis 1:27 The crown of God’s creation, made in the image of God What is a human being’s purpose in this world? Psalm 100 To whom is a human being accountable? 2 Corinthians 5:10 Philosophical Question Bible Passage The answer according to Scripture The answer according to the theory of evolution How did the world get here? Genesis 1:1 God created all things out of nothing Big Bang How long did it take? Exodus 20:11 Six 24-hour days 4.54 billion years By what means did the universe come into existence? Genesis 1:3, et al. His powerful Word Natural selection—“survival of the fittest” Chance What is a human being? Genesis 1:27 The crown of God’s creation, made in the image of God The highest evolved animal, a descendant of apes What is a human being’s purpose in this world? Psalm 100 To praise the God who created him or her To whom is a human being accountable? 2 Corinthians 5:10 Philosophical Question Bible Passage The answer according to Scripture The answer according to the theory of evolution How did the world get here? Genesis 1:1 God created all things out of nothing Big Bang How long did it take? Exodus 20:11 Six 24-hour days 4.54 billion years By what means did the universe come into existence? Genesis 1:3, et al. His powerful Word Natural selection—“survival of the fittest” Chance What is a human being? Genesis 1:27 The crown of God’s creation, made in the image of God The highest evolved animal, a descendant of apes What is a human being’s purpose in this world? Psalm 100 To praise the God who created him or her Nothing To whom is a human being accountable? 2 Corinthians 5:10 Philosophical Question Bible Passage The answer according to Scripture The answer according to the theory of evolution How did the world get here? Genesis 1:1 God created all things out of nothing Big Bang How long did it take? Exodus 20:11 Six 24-hour days 4.54 billion years By what means did the universe come into existence? Genesis 1:3, et al. His powerful Word Natural selection—“survival of the fittest” Chance What is a human being? Genesis 1:27 The crown of God’s creation, made in the image of God The highest evolved animal, a descendant of apes What is a human being’s purpose in this world? Psalm 100 To praise the God who created him or her Nothing To whom is a human being accountable? 2 Corinthians 5:10 God, the Creator No one Philosophical Question Bible Passage The answer according to Scripture The answer according to the theory of evolution How did the world get here? Genesis 1:1 God created all things out of nothing Big Bang How long did it take? Exodus 20:11 Six 24-hour days 4.54 billion years By what means did the universe come into existence? Genesis 1:3, et al. His powerful Word Natural selection—“survival of the fittest” Chance What is a human being? Genesis 1:27 The crown of God’s creation, made in the image of God The highest evolved animal, a descendant of apes What is a human being’s purpose in this world? Psalm 100 To praise the God who created him or her Nothing To whom is a human being accountable? 2 Corinthians 5:10 God, the Creator Philosophical Question Bible Passage The answer according to Scripture The answer according to the theory of evolution How did the world get here? Genesis 1:1 God created all things out of nothing Big Bang How long did it take? Exodus 20:11 Six 24-hour days 4.54 billion years By what means did the universe come into existence? Genesis 1:3, et al. His powerful Word Natural selection—“survival of the fittest” Chance What is a human being? Genesis 1:27 What is a human being’s purpose in this world? Psalm 100 To whom is a human being accountable? 2 Corinthians 5:10 Philosophical Question Bible Passage The answer according to Scripture The answer according to the theory of evolution How did the world get here? Genesis 1:1 God created all things out of nothing Big Bang How long did it take? Exodus 20:11 Six 24-hour days 4.54 billion years By what means did the universe come into existence? Genesis 1:3, et al. His powerful Word What is a human being? Genesis 1:27 What is a human being’s purpose in this world? Psalm 100 To whom is a human being accountable? 2 Corinthians 5:10 Philosophical Question Bible Passage The answer according to Scripture The answer according to the theory of evolution How did the world get here? Genesis 1:1 How long did it take? Exodus 20:11 By what means did the universe come into existence? Genesis 1:3, et al. What is a human being? Genesis 1:27 What is a human being’s purpose in this world? Psalm 100 To whom is a human being accountable? 2 Corinthians 5:10 Philosophical Question Bible Passage The answer according to Scripture The answer according to the theory of evolution How did the world get here? Genesis 1:1 God created all things out of nothing Big Bang How long did it take? Exodus 20:11 Six 24-hour days 4.54 billion years By what means did the universe come into existence? Genesis 1:3, et al. What is a human being? Genesis 1:27 What is a human being’s purpose in this world? Psalm 100 To whom is a human being accountable? 2 Corinthians 5:10 Philosophical Question Bible Passage The answer according to Scripture The answer according to the theory of evolution How did the world get here? Genesis 1:1 God created all things out of nothing How long did it take? Exodus 20:11 By what means did the universe come into existence? Genesis 1:3, et al. What is a human being? Genesis 1:27 What is a human being’s purpose in this world? Psalm 100 To whom is a human being accountable? 2 Corinthians 5:10 Philosophical Question Bible Passage The answer according to Scripture The answer according to the theory of evolution How did the world get here? Genesis 1:1 God created all things out of nothing Big Bang How long did it take? Exodus 20:11 By what means did the universe come into existence? Genesis 1:3, et al. What is a human being? Genesis 1:27 What is a human being’s purpose in this world? Psalm 100 To whom is a human being accountable? 2 Corinthians 5:10 Philosophical Question Bible Passage The answer according to Scripture The answer according to the theory of evolution How did the world get here? Genesis 1:1 God created all things out of nothing Big Bang How long did it take? Exodus 20:11 Six 24-hour days By what means did the universe come into existence? Genesis 1:3, et al. What is a human being? Genesis 1:27 What is a human being’s purpose in this world? Psalm 100 To whom is a human being accountable? 2 Corinthians 5:10 God created a beautiful universe Lesson 2 Click to add notes
Can creation and evolution be reconciled?
Attempt #1—Theistic evolution Psalm 145:15,16—The eyes of all look to you, and you give them their food at the proper time. You open your hand and satisfy the desires of every living thing. God created a beautiful universe Lesson 2 Theistic evolution is the idea that God is like a clockmaker who made the clock and wound it up but then let it run by itself from there. Psalm 145 says the opposite. Notice the present tense verbs: give, open, satisfy. Even though God established the laws of nature, he is the one who upholds those laws continuously.
Can creation and evolution be reconciled?
Attempt #2—Six eras vs. six days Q: What evidence can you find from the creation account that indicates how long these six days were? A: (1) “Evening and morning”—God defines a day. (2) After day 7, Adam and Eve are still there and are still the only two people there. God created a beautiful universe Lesson 2 This is the idea that when Genesis 1 says “day,” it really means a long period of time. Clearly this doesn’t fit with the biblical account. God defines exactly what he means by one day—evening and morning. Also, if day 6, when Adam and Eve were created, was a billion years long, they would not be around on day 7, much less after day 7. Yet in the biblical account they are still there after the seventh day. Clearly one day equals 24 hours.
God created a beautiful universe
Religion vs. science? How would you answer someone who insists that the Bible’s account of creation is untrue and says that the universe must be billions of years old to appear as it does today? Why can the theory of evolution not legitimately be called science? What is science? What can truly be called scientific fact? God created a beautiful universe Lesson 2 Evolution cannot be disproven. But it can’t be proven either. True science is only that which can be demonstrated through observation or experimentation. Neither creation nor evolution truly fall under the category of science. Both of them are based on presuppositions and must be believed in faith. So when you look at the world today, which one is more likely? Creation.
Evolutionary “science”
God created a beautiful universe Lesson 2 This is an example of evolutionary “science”—carbon 14 dating. Basically it works like this: When an organism dies, carbon 14 begins to decay. When scientists find the fossil of that organism, they can calculate how old it is based on how much carbon 14 is left. Using this system of dating, some fossils have been shown to be 60,000+ years old. Not quite 4.5 billion years but certainly older than any creationist would date the earth. It is said to be an example of science disproving creation.
God created a beautiful universe
Creation “science” God created a beautiful universe Lesson 2 This is an example of creation “science.” Basically the theory is that based on the rate that moon dust is currently settling, if the moon were millions or billions of years old, there would have been much more moon dust than the 2-3 inches that was there when Neil Armstrong took that first step. So according to the theory, the moon can’t be that old. It is said to be an example of science that proves creation.
God created a beautiful universe
The common thread 2 Peter 3:3-6—First of all, you must understand that in the last days scoffers will come, scoffing and following their own evil desires. They will say, “Where is this ‘coming’ he promised? Ever since our fathers died, everything goes on as it has since the beginning of creation.” But they deliberately forget that long ago by God’s word the heavens existed and the earth was formed out of water and by water. By these waters also the world of that time was deluged and destroyed. Q: What assumption is behind both radiometric dating theory of evolutionists and the moon dust theory of creationists? 2 Peter 3:3-6—First of all, you must understand that in the last days scoffers will come, scoffing and following their own evil desires. They will say, “Where is this ‘coming’ he promised? Ever since our fathers died, everything goes on as it has since the beginning of creation.” But they deliberately forget that long ago by God’s word the heavens existed and the earth was formed out of water and by water. By these waters also the world of that time was deluged and destroyed. God created a beautiful universe Lesson 2 Both of those examples of “science” are really based on the same presupposition, the presupposition that the scoffers had in 2 Peter chapter 3. It is the presupposition that what we observe now must be what has been going on since the beginning of time. So if carbon 14 decays at a certain rate now, it must have always decayed at that rate. If moon dust settles at a current rate now, it must have always settled at that rate. That presupposition is where we depart from true science and enter into the realm of philosophy/religion.
Questions about this week’s class? Questions about next week’s class?
What’s on your mind? Questions about this week’s class? Questions about next week’s class? While questions are encouraged throughout, some students will always be too reluctant to ask. This is an opportunity at the end of each class for people to submit questions in written form. They can either be about the material just covered or the material that will be covered next week. Those questions can then be addressed during the following week’s class. Time’s up!!!!
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