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“Charging Stations for Electric Vehicle”

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1 “Charging Stations for Electric Vehicle”
Department of Electrical Engineering Government College of Engineering, Amravati (An Autonomous Institute of Government of Maharashtra)   -By Sarang Bongirwar Under the guidance of, Dr. K. D. Thakur.

2 Prologue In 2017, Indian government pushed a major policy of selling at least 6-7 million EV’s in India by They are planning to sell only EV’s by 2030. But many experts in automobile industry criticized this plan and said that it might fail. Only reason they have stated, is lack of infrastructure, and majorly lack of ‘Charging stations’.

3 Range Anxiety Indian government is really trying to push electrical vehicle in our ecosystem. But people are reluctant to buy an electric vehicle. Reason people are not buying electric vehicle is “Range Anxiety”. Range anxiety is worry on the part of a person driving an electric car that the battery will run out of power before the destination or a suitable charging point is reached.

4 Here, Charging Station plays vital role.
In case of India, with road network of 54 lakh kilometers with absolutely no infrastructure for supporting EV’s. Just considering case of Amravati to Nagpur, total traveling distance is minimum 320 km. Vehicles like Mahindra e2o with range of 80 km will not even make it to half. If we bring in Tesla Model S, with range of 330 km, it will barely make it back to Amravati. So what's the point in buying an EV? Why would I, you will buy an electric car? Here, Charging Station plays vital role.

5 Introduction Electric charging station is an element in an infrastructure that supplies electric energy for the recharging of electric vehicles, such as plug-in electric vehicles, including electric cars, plug-in hybrids, etc. Charging stations are inevitable part of electric vehicle ecosystem. In case of India, with road network of 54,72,144 kilometers, the country needs nation wide network of charging stations for electric vehicles as government is planning to sell only EV’s by 2030.

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