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2019 VTPBIS Forum Building Effective Systems at the Intensive Level

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1 2019 VTPBIS Forum Building Effective Systems at the Intensive Level
Ken Kramberg & Amanda Babcock

2 What’s your personal learning goal for this session?
In this session, think about: What will you be able to implement? How will you know you’re implementing it well? How will your most vulnerable students benefit? How will you/your team sustain what you’re implementing?

3 What is Tier 3 intensive? For students with serious and challenging behaviors that require individualized interventions Collection of data to determine function of behavior (FBA) and positive behavior plan to address function (BSP) Coordination of home, school, community interventions

4 “Here comes the really hard part!”
Disconnect major challenge. We will ask you to think of ways to connect students at Tier 3 with 1 & 2, Counter intuitive then to emphasize the tip. ASK THEM: So why the heck are we doing it? My belief is that principles and values of wraparound are not just an effective basis for team planning around a small number of students in your school, but when you introduce the wraparound process into a school’s PBIS system there’s the opportunity for the values to improve the supports that ALL students receive. “Here comes the really hard part!”

5 Sustaining PBIS Supporting Supporting Staff Behavior Decision Making
SYSTEMS DATA PRACTICES Supporting Student Behavior 5 Components of MTSS cuts across Data, Systems and Practices Smallest effort Evidence-based Biggest, durable effect

6 Vermont’s Planning Process for Students
1 Teaming 2 Goals 3 Assessment (FBA) 4 Intervention (BSP) 5 Evaluation (BSP) Vermont’s Planning Process for Students Adapted from: Dunlap et al. (2010). Prevent, Teach, Reinforce We’ve focused today on systems. We’re going to move for the rest of the week to focusing on intensive supports for students Hand out books Inserst this as transition slide for each section

7 Intensive Level Interventions and Supports are Best When Built Upon the Foundation Created Through Targeted Systems, Data, and Practices

8 Targeted Interventions Based on Functions of Behavior
TFI Check-In/Check-Out Adult Mentoring Programs Access Adult Attention/Support: Social Skills Instruction Peer Mentoring Self-Monitoring with Peer Support (function: academic task escape) Access Peer Attention/Support: Organization/Homework planning support Homework completion club Tutoring Academic Skills Support Intervention is continuously available Rapid access to intervention (72 hr.) Very low effort by teachers Consistent with school-wide expectations All staff/faculty in school are involved/have access Flexible intervention based on descriptive functional assessment Adequate resources (admin., team) Continuous monitoring for decision-making

9 Inventory of Existing Targeted Interventions
Direct them to Handbook for this activity, go to next slide

10 Tier III Key Points There are no ”go to” interventions or practices at tier three. Emphasis on Systems to make assessment and planning efficient. Must have capacity to do FBA and student and family centered planning. Adults implementing interventions must have strong relationship building and de-escalation skills.

11 Consider the Restorative Mindset
The Restorative Approach is about: Voluntary Participation Exploring Relationships Meaningful Engagement Participatory Decision-Making

12 Assessment (FBA) Intervention (BSP)


14 Necessary Conversations (Teams)
TFI Necessary Conversations (Teams) Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 SU/District Team •Coordinates implementation •Ensures access to resources •Reviews data across schools SU/District Team – Targeted/Intensive: •Secures resources •Focuses on student outcomes •Focuses on fidelity of practices across the district/SU SU/District School Leadership Team •Plans and implements 6 school components of PBIS School Systems Level Team – Targeted/Intensive: •Creates procedures for referral, screening & evaluation •Communicates with staff and families School You need to figure out where you as the intensive team fit in KEN through 78 Student Level Team •Matches students to interventions •Evaluates & monitors student progress Student Level Team •Completes FBA/BIP •Evaluate & monitor student progress Facilitates wraparound Student

15 Intensive Level – Three Types of Teams (or Conversations)
Systems Level Individual Student Referral, Review Student Specific Some people will always be on every Individual Student Team

16 Intensive Team: Critical Features
PBS Intensive Interventions SERC Intensive Team: Critical Features TFI Possess specialized behavioral skills within their membership Allow and encourage contributions from all their members Have predictable and efficient procedures for doing business and solving problems Have regular opportunities to access building staff, families, and community agencies to communicate and solicit information

17 Intensive Team: Objectives
PBS Intensive Interventions SERC Intensive Team: Objectives TFI Manage teacher requests for assistance Ensure that teachers and students receive support in a timely and meaningful manner Provide a general forum for discussions and possible solutions for individual student behavioral concerns Organize a collaborative effort to support the teacher (Todd et. al., 1999)

18 JFK Elementary School makeup:
360 students K-5 18 different language spoken within the school Arabic, Bosnian, Burmese, Chinese, French, Hindi, Japanese, Karen, Kirundi, Kizigua, Loatain, Mai Mai, Napali, Somali, Spanish, Swahili, Vietnamese 6 Liaisons About 154 ELL students k-5

19 PBIS in our School PBIS Leadership Team Consists of 10 members:
Principal, ELL, Special Educator, Sped Admin, 3 Classroom Teachers, Behavior Coach, Guidance, Unified Arts This year we are inviting some parents/community members to join us for Tier 1 meetings. Same Leadership team for all 3 tiers- Meet 2 times monthly and we rotate what Tiers we are reviewing PBIS school since 2016 This year we implemented Tier 3 protocols

20 PBIS in our School PBIS Leadership Team Consists of 10 members:
Principal, ELL, Special Educator, Sped Admin, 3 Classroom Teachers, Behavior Coach, Guidance, Unified Arts This year we are inviting some parents/community members to join us for Tier 1 meetings. Same Leadership team for all 3 tiers- Meet 2 times monthly and we rotate what Tiers we are reviewing PBIS school since 2016 This year we implemented Tier 3 protocols

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