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Industry and academia are two different origins, but their roads must merge to get to the destination. Industry and academia are two different origins,

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Presentation on theme: "Industry and academia are two different origins, but their roads must merge to get to the destination. Industry and academia are two different origins,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Industry and academia are two different origins, but their roads must merge to get to the destination. Industry and academia are two different origins, but their roads must merge to get to the destination. Nephrology-specific barriers (culture, lack of druggable targets, and lack of phenotypes) are shown as speed bumps with accompanying slow signs. Multiple registries (ABC and XYZ) need to merge into a global registry along with information from the observational studies. Surrogate end points are a potential shortcut, but this road is still under construction. Pragmatic trials are a toll bridge, because they are not appropriate for novel target agents but may be useful for comparing marketed therapies. Marva M. Moxey-Mims et al. CJASN 2016;11: ©2016 by American Society of Nephrology

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