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Lucy and Zane and Emmason and Juliana

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1 Lucy and Zane and Emmason and Juliana
Section 6 Lucy and Zane and Emmason and Juliana

2 Plot – section 6 Starts where it began – the at the Salinas river
Lennie is drinking water on the side of the river Lennie – just killed curleys wife Ran down to the river as that is where George and him planned to meet if something bad happened. George finds Lennie tells him to sit down and starts telling him a story George shots Lennie George lets the other ranch men believe a lie about Lennie. Slim comforts George and tells him he had no choice.

section 6 brings the book to a dramatic climax. - what will happen to Lennie?, is what everyone is thinking at this time in the book. Introduces for the first and last time two fantasy visions. –the American dream Shows the tragic and inevitable ending to George and Lennie's relationship. “ George raised the gun and steadied it, and he brought the muzzle of it close to the back of Lennie's head. his hand shook violently, but his face set and his hand steadied. He pulled the trigger.” (pg. 120.) This is the moment George killed his best friend Lennie

4 Characters Lennie George always speaks on behalf of Lennie but we have noticed that when Lennie is alone he speaks more fluently then when he is around George. Lennie doesn’t speak to himself when hi with George but with everyone else he is always speaking to himself about what to do. George George knows Lennie is better than this, but he knows that Lennie will be worse off if he doesn’t kill him as the ranch owners will do much worse. George sticks up for Lennie and says “ he's a hell of a good worker though”.

5 THEMES American dream live in a house and live off the land, not have to work for 50 dollars a month. Lennie said “ I might jus’ ass well go away. George aint gonna let me tend no rabbits now.” This is Lennie saying he will never live the American dream after killing curleys wife. (pg. 115.) Human fragility Lennie is seen as strong but is still easily killed. Loneliness George is now as lonely as all the other ranch workers other than slim. “ and when it comes to the end of the month ill take my 50 bucks and go to a cats house.” this is the idea of loneliness after Lennie ran away and is unsure what he will do now.

6 Setting Ends in the same place as the book starts
reinforcing the idea that life goes on whatever happens. Heron Chapter 1- heron spears snakes life Chapter 6- heron stands motionless in the water and then kills the snake This is a bit like George at the moment in chapter 1 George is looking out for George all the time. But in section 6 he kills him just like the bird.

7 Quotes When Lennie ran away after killing curleys wife and is waiting for George contemplating life without George. “I didn’t forget, you bet, god damn. hide in the bush an’ wait for George. (Pg. 112) In chapter 1 Lennie says “look George look what I’ve done” (pg. 2) after he has just pulled the lady at the first ranches dress. Now in chapter 6 he says “ you aint gonna leave me George are ya. I know you aint.” Lennie wants them to stay together but George cannot handle him anymore and knows what he has to do (pg.114) Details are repeated at the opening of the book and the closing like the sunlight that hits the river at this time of the days and the mountain ranges you can see.

8 Authors message This book was written because John Steinbeck wanted to show how life was during the Great Depression. He wanted to show how people were affected by the depression and what people had to do in order to survive. He showed how people had to make hard decisions, not only for themselves, but for others as well. Steinbeck did a great job in portraying his idea through this novel.

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