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Models for Implementing Artificial Intelligence in Pathology Practice

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1 Models for Implementing Artificial Intelligence in Pathology Practice
May 6, 2019 Douglas J. Hartman, MD

2 Disclosures Philips = honorarium for educational presentation

3 Objectives Describe an evolving model for the diagnostic cockpit and how that applies to pathology Demonstrate a sample diagnostic signout workflow Describe how artificial intelligence can be integrated into the pathology diagnostic workflow

4 Pathology Cockpit Early discussions of a pathology cockpit in 2010
Very little literature about this exists Diagn Pathol. 2014;9 Suppl 1:S12. doi: / S1-S12. Epub 2014 Dec 19. iPathology cockpit diagnostic station: validation according to College of American Pathologists Pathology and Laboratory Quality Center recommendation at the Hospital Trust and University of Verona. Brunelli M, Beccari S, Colombari R, Gobbo S, Giobelli L, Pellegrini A, Chilosi M, Lunardi M, Martignoni G, Scarpa A, Eccher A.

5 Cockpit Evolution Forum sponsored by the Academy for Radiology and Biomedical Imaging Research Brought together stakeholders from: Urology Oncology Pathology Neurology Cardiology Emergency Medicine Molecular Diagnostics Informatics

6 Goals of the Symposium Elevate the profile of medical imaging technologies Ensures its value and impact are broadly recognized Facilitate collaborations Highlight content experts Provide critical voice of the imaging community

7 Drivers for convening symposium
Errors and imprecision in medical diagnosis Leads to poor patient outcomes Two common diagnostic errors Ordering the wrong imaging test Misinterpretation of imaging test findings

8 Cockpit = “Integrated Diagnostics”
Current Obstacles: Limited dissemination of valuable diagnostic technologies Siloed electronic health records Few available data analytic tools Variable data inputs and outputs Lack of coordinated effort to improve diagnostics across all stakeholders

9 Symposium Composition
Presentations from key stakeholders (“consumers”) Presentations from the “Cockpit Crew” (users) Multidisciplinary groups to identify models and prioritize the next steps in constructing a prototype Cockpit

10 High Priority Tasks Develop national standards
Catalog available data analytic methods Develop advanced analytic methods Develop environment to host the analytic methods Create an environment to enable and facilitate communication/cooperation Catalyze the construction of the prototype Cockpit

11 Advancing the Diagnostic Cockpit
May 2018 Four objectives: Standardization/interoperability Application of advanced computation Acceleration of development and translation of new techniques Promotion of best practices in medical imaging

12 Challenges Lack of standardized measurement and techniques
Lack of standard interchange mechanism Need for more standardized reference studies

13 Action Items from Symposium
Identify neutral third party to validate de-identification, manage datasets and ensure interoperability Collect 100 complete datasets from 10 different institutions Create compendium of existing standards Refine core functional requirements of the diagnostic cockpit Identify potential funding sources for any initiative

14 So what does this mean for pathology?

15 Digital Pathology Background
Very few labs in the USA have gone entirely digital for primary diagnosis UPMC is restarting their conversion to a digital pathology platform for primary diagnosis sign out Vendors have been regulated by Food Drug Administration – WSI considered Class III device First FDA approved system – Philips – April 2017

16 UPMC Clinical Use Cases
Retrospective Slide Scanning (passive encouragement of slide scanning – archival use case) Internal (UPMC) & external consults IHC core lab (centralization) Breast marker image analysis Philips Tutor (formerly PathXL) education partnership To do: Archive outside consults, frozen section, tumor board, etc.

17 Precision Medicine

18 Law of Disruption

19 The Perfect Storm “When technologies, products, and services converge in radical, creative new ways, a killer app can emerge” Technology Products Services Dones & Mui. Unleashing the killer app. Harvard Business School Press. 2000

20 Algorithms Identify rare events (e.g. screening for microorganisms)
Quantitative measurements Score biomarkers (e.g. ER, PR, Her2/neu, Ki67, CD34, PD-L1) Tissue measurements (e.g. mitotic counts, quantify fibrosis/steatosis) Analyze spatial patterns and feature distribution (e.g. neuroscience) Automated grading (of tumors) CAD (e.g. prostate cancer diagnosis, detect Barrett’s esophagus with dysplasia) Workflow (smart) algorithm (e.g. triage cases, automate downstream steps like LCM) Miscellaneous (research & novel) algorithms (e.g. TMAs, 3D image reconstruction)



23 Integration in Digital Signout -1

24 Integration in Digital Signout -2

25 Integration in Digital Signout -3

26 Integration in Digital Signout - 4

27 Digital Workflow Digital Workflow Legacy Workflow

28 Integration in Digital Signout - 5

29 Integration in Digital Signout -6

30 Implemented Image Analysis
Automated CD8 quantification Digital tumor bud assessment Automated Her2 assessment in GE junction tumors Developing more biomarker evaluation

31 CD8 Analysis Oropharyngeal Cases
?Selection criteria to use Tonsillar tissue Resection vs biopsy vs TMA core

32 Whole section Analysis

33 Absolute CD8 distribution within Oropharyngeal cases

34 Outcome Data based on Univariate Analysis (n=74)

35 Survival based on Density of CD8 cells

36 Digital Tumor Bud Assessment

37 Counting Ki-67 positive cells

38 Regulatory Few AI-based algorithms have been cleared by the Food and Drug Administration Use cases: Bone fracture Large vessel occlusion Brain damage Diabetic retinopathy

39 Payment No billing code specifically associated with artificial intelligence Options: Per Click Flat fee Other?


41 Public Image Challenges
Image analysis challenges Camelyon – 16 – detecting metastases Cataloged at Grand Challenges Public leaderboard of contestants

42 Summary of Pathology Image Challenges
19/169 challenges involved pathology slides Ranged from 10-40x magnification The number of recorded participants ranged from

43 Summary of Pathology Image Challenges – organ area and file types
Organ sites: Breast (9) Cervix (2) Neuropath (2) Multiorgan (2) Thyroid (1); Colorectal (1); lung (1); hemepath (1) Most common to have a single file type (15 challenges)

44 Image Challenges - evaluation
Various statistical methods Dice Coefficient Area under the curve Weighted precision Free response operating curve F1 score Sensitivity/specificity Gold standard One pathologist Multiple “consensus” pathologists Medical Experts Oncologist Not mentioned

45 Future Directions Cockpit for Pathology already forming (mostly around software system integration) Most designs have tried to emulate current workflows Novel interactions with whole slide images (Virtual reality/augmented reality)

46 Conclusions Artificial Intelligence based tools are ready for use in the diagnostic pathology workflow Building interoperability with digital pathology systems is critical to adoption Integrating artificial intelligence into digital pathology platforms with increase adoption and facilitate more utilization of this powerful technology

47 Questions and Answers Douglas J. Hartman MD

48 References Mark D. Zarella, Douglas Bowman;, Famke Aeffner, Navid Farahani, Albert Xthona;, Syeda Fatima Absar, Anil Parwani, Marilyn Bui, and Douglas J. Hartman (2019) A Practical Guide to Whole Slide Imaging: A White Paper From the Digital Pathology Association. Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine: February 2019, Vol. 143, No. 2, pp Guo H, Birsa J, Farahani N, Hartman DJ, Piccoli A, O'Leary M, McHugh J, Nyman M, Stratman C, Kvarnstrom V, Yousem S, Pantanowitz L. Digital pathology and anatomic pathology laboratory information system integration to support digital pathology sign-out. J Pathol Inform May 4;7:23. doi: / eCollection PMID: Ratner M. FDA backs clinician-free AI imaging diagnostic tools. Nat Biotechnol 2018 Aug 6; 36(8):

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