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Presentation on theme: "THINKING ABOUT THE THINKING BRAIN Unit 1 Wrap-Up"— Presentation transcript:


2 Brain Quiz Show! Break up into two teams, and come up with a team name. Like Family Feud™, each team sends one person up to answer the question. The team should send up a different student for each question rotating through until everyone has had a turn. If you know the answer, raise your hand. If you are the first to respond, you then have 30 seconds to consult with your team for help and give a final answer. If you answer incorrectly, the other team gets a chance to steal. Excellent, now we’re going to have a quiz show so you can show off what you learned so far.

3 Brain Quiz Show! Question 1: What is a GROWTH Mindset? Answer:
A belief that people can learn, they can change, and they can become better at something with effort, learning strategies, and help from others. A belief that people can learn, they can change, and they can become better at something with effort, learning strategies, and help from others.

4 Brain Quiz Show! Question 2: What is Persistence? Answer: You keep going even when the going gets tough and you stay focused on the task at hand without getting distracted. You keep going even when the going gets tough and you stay focused on the task at hand without getting distracted.

5 Brain Quiz Show! Question 3: What is Resilience? Answer: You show toughness when you get knocked down and you bounce back and try again, and again, and again, . . . You show toughness when you get knocked down and you bounce back and try again.

6 Brain Quiz Show! Question 4: What is Grit and why is it important? Answer: The combination of both persistence and resilience, and you need grit to get past all of the obstacles, setbacks, and problems in learning and in life. The combination of both persistence and resilience, and you need grit to get past all of the obstacles, setbacks, and problems in learning and in life.

7 Brain Quiz Show! Question 5: How does your brain think thoughts?
Answer: By sending messages across brain cells (neurons) from one cell to the next. By sending messages across brain cells (neurons) from one cell to the next.

8 Brain Quiz Show! Question 6: Name the four (4) parts of a Neuron.
Answer: Dendrites Cell body Axon Axon Transmitters. Dendrites Cell body Axon Axon Transmitters

9 Brain Quiz Show! Question 7: What are dendrites? Answer:
The part of the neuron that receives messages from other cells. The part of the neuron that receives messages from other cells. OR The branching process of a neuron that conducts impulses from other cells into its cell body.

10 Brain Quiz Show! Question 8: What is the axon? Answer:
The long cable that carries an electrical message from the cell body out to its axon transmitters, which are located at the end of the axon at the space between cells. The long cable that carries an electrical message from the cell body out to its axon transmitters, which are located at the end of the axon at the space between cells.

11 Brain Quiz Show! Question 9: What is the synapse? Answer:
The space between the axon of one neuron and the dendrites of the next neuron. OR The space where the axon transmitters of one neuron send a chemical signal to the dendrites of the next neuron. The space between the axon of one neuron and the dendrites of the next neuron. OR The space where the axon transmitters of one neuron send a chemical signal to the dendrites of the next neuron.

12 Brain Quiz Show! Question 10:
How are messages transmitted in your brain? Answer: An electrical signal travels along the axon to the axon transmitters where it becomes a chemical signal that is released into the synapse to be picked up by the dendrites of the next neuron. An electrical signal travels along the axon to the axon transmitters where it becomes a chemical signal that is released into the synapse to be picked up by the dendrites of the next neuron.

13 Brain Quiz Show! Question 11:
What does your brain need to function well? Answer: Fuel Sleep Exercise Challenge Fuel Sleep Exercise Challenge

14 Brain Quiz Show! Question 12:
How does challenge help your brain to function well? Answer: The more you challenge your brain, and practice at getting better at something, the easier and faster it is for the brain to find that information and do well at the challenge. The more you challenge your brain, and practice at getting better at something, the easier and faster it is for the brain to find that information and do well at the challenge.

15 Brain Quiz Show! Question for everyone 13:
What is something you would tell a classmate about how to help his or her brain? Answer: (Many Possible Answers) ANSWER: (many answers are possible)

16 REFERENCES Duckworth, A. L. (2013b). True grit. The Observer: 26(4), 1-3. Dweck, C. S. (2006). Mindset: The new psychology of success. New York, NY: Ballantine Books: Random House. Florida Virtual School (2013, August 14). Grit: the key to success at FLVS. Retrieved from v=uwsZZ2rprqc&list=UU9PsiogWteIFRmR6yZq4CGQ King, R., & King, D. (2011). Step-It-Up-2-Thrive. Thrive Foundation for Youth, Menlo Park, CA. 2-Minute Neuroscience (2014, July 22). The neuron. Retrieved from 2-Minute Neuroscience (2014, July 22). Synaptic Transmission. Retrieved from References


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