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Reviewing Task 3 Juniors.

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Presentation on theme: "Reviewing Task 3 Juniors."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reviewing Task 3 Juniors

2 SWBAT review Task 3 Do Now: Grab Portfolio Hand-in Blue Booklets
Complete first part of Quotation Packet Hand-in Blue Booklets

3 Week Ahead Tuesday: Review Task 3, write a Task 3 for HW
Wednesday: Review Task 2 and outline one together. Finish it for HW Thursday: Multiple choice Review Friday: Multiple Choice Review and last minute fixes Homework: Review your Portfolio

4 Read Over Your Task 3 Read over your grade sheet and check the rubric.
Did you do the things on the Rubric? On the back, write why you think you earned the score that you did. How can I move from a 2 to a 3 and from a 3 to a 4?

5 Looking Over A Task 3 Read the text Ask yourself
What is this about in one or two words What is the dominant technique?

6 Central Idea This one is about family tradition. What is it saying about family tradition? What techniques help highlight this? What would be a good overview sentence?

7 Your Turn Take this task and do apply the same method.
This is due for HW Wednesday

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