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Comparison of average effective diffusivity (Deff) values for mucoinert synthetic beads (PS-PEG) (A), HIV-1 ΔEnv pseudovirus (B), or PS-COOH (C) to that.

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Presentation on theme: "Comparison of average effective diffusivity (Deff) values for mucoinert synthetic beads (PS-PEG) (A), HIV-1 ΔEnv pseudovirus (B), or PS-COOH (C) to that."— Presentation transcript:

1 Comparison of average effective diffusivity (Deff) values for mucoinert synthetic beads (PS-PEG) (A), HIV-1 ΔEnv pseudovirus (B), or PS-COOH (C) to that of HIV-1 in native CVM. Data represent n = 8, 13, and 8 distinct CVM samples for PS-PEG, HIV-1 ΔEnv, and PS-COOH, respectively. Comparison of average effective diffusivity (Deff) values for mucoinert synthetic beads (PS-PEG) (A), HIV-1 ΔEnv pseudovirus (B), or PS-COOH (C) to that of HIV-1 in native CVM. Data represent n = 8, 13, and 8 distinct CVM samples for PS-PEG, HIV-1 ΔEnv, and PS-COOH, respectively. Lines connect pairs of data points for the same sample. Kenetta L. Nunn et al. mBio 2015; doi: /mBio

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