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In Spanish we will be learning simple phrases and greetings.

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Presentation on theme: "In Spanish we will be learning simple phrases and greetings."— Presentation transcript:

1 In Spanish we will be learning simple phrases and greetings.
English In English this half term, we will writing a magazine article for the National Geographic about the five most deadly volcanoes. We will be reading Sky Song and Animals of the North and writing a guide for a tribe, as well as a chapter of Sky Song. Science Our science topic will be materials. We will be looking at solids, liquids and gases and demonstrating that dissolving, mixing and changes of state are reversible changes. Maths We will be starting off with solving problems through multiplication and division. Then we will move onto measure. Autumn 2 Our Wilderness PE In PE this half term, the children will be learning some gymnastic skills and taking part in circuit training! Art and DT Our art is linked closely to our English and we will be creating volcanoes! ICT In ICT the children will be looking at how they can use the internet safety. We will also be looking at the safe use of social media. Spanish In Spanish we will be learning simple phrases and greetings.

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