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Click the pictures to find out more Traffic pollution Traffic pollution is contributing to climate change. Cars, vans, lorries and aeroplanes are.

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Presentation on theme: "Click the pictures to find out more Traffic pollution Traffic pollution is contributing to climate change. Cars, vans, lorries and aeroplanes are."— Presentation transcript:




4 Click the pictures to find out more

5 Traffic pollution Traffic pollution is contributing to climate change. Cars, vans, lorries and aeroplanes are give out gases that are bad for our planet. Cycling, walking and trains or buses are better ways to get around.

6 Solar power Solar power is helping to slow down climate change. By using solar panels, groups of people around the world stop getting their power from the big power stations.

7 Power stations Power stations burn fuels like coal and oil, giving out gases that are bad for our planet. This causes the planet to warm up, having a major effect on our climate.

8 Wasting plastic Plastic waste is also bad for our planet. A lot of it ends up in the sea where it harms fish, sea birds and other animals.

9 Wind power Wind power/renewable energy is helping to slow down climate change. By using the power of the wind, waves or water, groups of people around the world can stop getting their power from big power stations.

10 Cutting down forests Cutting down forests is bad for our planet, because the trees help to soak up some of the bad gases.

11 Using less plastic Reducing plastic usage can help slow down climate change. By making less plastic, we reduce the chance of polluting the our world.

12 Planting and protectingtrees
Planting trees and looking after them can help to slow down climate change because the trees can soak up some of the bad gases. By protecting and planting trees we are helping to fight against climate change.

13 Zero Heroes in Peru



16 What can you do to become a Zero Hero?
Save energy: turn off lights Recycle Save water Live simply – don’t buy more than you need


18 Creator God, Your world is a wonderful and beautiful place, full of wonder, full of life. Teach us to care for the earth and help us to build a world that is filled with your goodness. Amen.

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