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Arlington CCC Meeting September 14, 2019.

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Presentation on theme: "Arlington CCC Meeting September 14, 2019."— Presentation transcript:

1 Arlington CCC Meeting September 14, 2019

2 Arlington Complete Count Committee
September 14 Agenda 1:00 Welcome and Introductions 1:10 News from the U.S. Census Bureau and Regional Updates 1:20 Arlington Partner and Outreach Updates  1:35 Advancing the Arlington CCC Action Plan and Subcommittee Updates 2:40 Arlington CCC Communication Tools 2:50 Next Steps and Key Dates 3:00 Adjourn

3 News from the U.S. Census Bureau
& Regional Updates

4 Annual Federal Funding- Arlington
$1-2.2 Million Department of Homeland Security Department of Justice Crime Victim Assistance Homeland Security Grant $3 Million Education Department Title 1 Grants | Special Education Career and Technical Education $0.8 Million Department of Labor WIOA Adult Activities and Grants Employment Services $20 Million Housing and Urban Development CDBG | Section 8 | HOMEHUD On average, Arlington County receives around $50 million annually from federal assistance programs that rely on data derived from the Decennial Census. The federal assistance helps support a wide variety of services throughout Arlington. Over half of the funding received goes towards the following five programs: Section 8 Housing Choice Vouchers HUD, National School Lunch Program USDA, Highway Planning and Construction DOT, Medical Assistance Program (Medicaid) HHS, and Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program USDA. Arlington County received $18.7 million for the administration of Section 8 Housing Choice Vouchers program which supported 1,504 households in FY2018. Arlington Public Schools received $4.5 million for the National School Lunch Program which provided free and reduced lunches to over 8,000 students. Arlington received over $5 million annually for transportation related projects. Since 2010, the following projects have benefited from federal assistance that relies on data derived from the Decennial Census: Columbia Pike Bus Stop improvements, Crystal City/Potomac Yard Transit Way, Rosslyn Station access improvements, Pentagon City Station access improvements, and Ballston multimodal improvements. In addition, Arlington receives a combined total of $1-3 million on an annual basis from the following agencies: Department of Homeland Security, Department of Justice, and Department of Labor. $9 Million Department of Agriculture School lunch and breakfast programs | SNAP Child and Adult Care Food Program | WIC $9 Million Health and Human Services Medicaid | Foster Care |Social Services Block Grants Adoption | Substance Abuse | Programs for the Aging | Child Care for low income Families | Children’s health insurance $5-10 Million Department of Transportation Highway Planning | Federal Transit Grants

5 Options for Responding to the 2020 Census
Households will have options to respond: Online By Phone By Mail One response per households capturing information for all that live there as of April 1, 2020.

6 How Does the Census Work?
Every household will receive an official invitation from the U.S. Census Bureau to Participate in the 2020 Census starting in March 12, 2020. Four additional mailings will occur to those that have not responded. Paper questionnaires will mailed out in early April. Enumeration begins in May 2020 for those that have not responded.

7 Getting a Complete Count
The most accurate and efficient way to obtain a complete count of all Arlington residents is to promote and support SELF-RESPONSE!

8 What Questions are on the Survey?
Question for EACH Person Household Questions How many people are living or staying at your home on April 1, 2020.  Whether the home is owned or rented.  About the sex of each person in your home.  About the age of each person in your home.  About the race of each person in your home.  About whether a person in your home is of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin.  About the relationship of each person in your home.  Total number of people living in home as of April 1, 2020. Any additional people staying in home as of April 1, 2020. Occupancy (owned or rented) Telephone number

9 Other Types of Assistance
Language Services Paper English and Spanish Online/Phone English, Chinese, Korean, Russian, Spanish, Vietnamese, Arabic, French, Haitian Creole, Japanese, Polish, Portuguese, and Tagalog Other Types of Assistance Language Guides 59 non-English languages Print and Video American Sign Language video guide Print guides Braille Large print

10 Is My Information Confidential?
Responses are Confidential, Safe, and Secure. Answers cannot be used against you in any way. Responses to the 2020 Census protected by federal law. All Census Bureau staff take a lifetime oath to protect your personal information. Violations result in a penalty of up to $250,000 and/or 5 years in prison. We will never ask for: Your full social security number. Your bank or credit card account numbers. Money or donations. Anything on behalf of a political party. There are no exceptions. The law (Title 13) requires the Census Bureau to keep everyone’s information confidential. By law, your responses cannot be used against you by any government agency or court in any way. We will never ask for: Your full social security number. Your bank or credit card account numbers. Money or donations. Anything on behalf of a political party.

11 Counting Everyone Once, Only Once and in the Right Place

12 Counting Everyone Once, Only Once and in the Right Place

13 Regional Coordination
Governor’s CCC $1.5 million for materials and translation Northern Virginia Community Foundation Coordinating with Regional Business Partners Washington Council of Governments WMATA, Washington Nationals, Leveraging Messaging, Video, Social Media Telemundo (Hazte Contar)

14 Arlington Partner & Outreach Updates

15 Arlington Census Partners
Type of Organization Partners Apartments/ Condos 24 Businesses 18 Civic Associations 11 Commissions 4 Community Organizations 32 Community Resources 23 Daycares 1 Faith-Based Organizations Foundations Governmental Organizations Schools 7 Universities Over 120 ARLINGTON PARTNERS Share information about the importance of participating in Census 2020 for Partner networks Encourage everyone to Be Counted in Census 2020  between March - June 2020. NEW PARTNER TOOLKIT

16 Census Awareness Volunteer Arlington Arlington County Fair
APS Festival of Minds Buckingham Festival Senior Olympics Rosslyn Jazz Festival Marymount University

17 Advancing the Arlington CCC Action Plan
& Subcommittee Updates

18 Arlington CCC Action Plan
Focus Areas Arlington CCC Action Plan Phases Hard to Count Energizing Partners Communications Donations and Supporters September-December: Public Awareness & Partner Education January-February: Public Education (What, Why, How) March –June: 2020 COUNT SEASON

19 Hard to Count Develop proactive intentional strategies to reach ensure individuals in hard to count communities participate in the 2020 Census. Persons who distrust the government LGBTQ persons Persons with mental or physical disabilities Persons who do not live in traditional housing (group quarters) Millennials Seniors Young children Highly mobile persons Racial and ethnic minorities Non-English speakers Low income persons Persons experiencing homelessness Undocumented immigrants

20 Energizing Partners Focus on developing key activities and strategies to keep partners engaged and energized. Develop a partner toolkit—to help build awareness across their networks. Proactively communicate with partners and help support them in their outreach efforts throughout the Census season.

21 Donations Focus on outreach to businesses and foundations to make donations to support before and during COUNT SEASON in 2020. This includes items that will encourage residents to come on out and BE COUNTED (food, give-a ways, creative educational materials, etc.)

22 Communications and Messaging
Develop key themes, messages, infographics, sample newsletter articles, and stories. Develop a social media kit for partner use; Work on strategic media placement.

23 Arlington CCC Communication Tools


25 Next Steps & Key Dates

26 Sat, June 1 (AM): Organizational Meeting
CCC Homework: Recruit 5-10 New Partners; Individual Subcommittee Meetings Tues July 23 (PM): CCC Virtual Check-In Subcommittee Draft Action Plans August 16-18: COUNTY FAIR CCC Volunteer 2-3 Hour Shifts Sat, Sept 14: CCC In-Person (1-3 PM) Agenda: Subcommittee updates; Partner Updates; Outreach Updates Thurs, Sept 26: PARTNER TRAINING (7-8:30 PM) Charles Drew Community Center Thurs, Oct 24: CCC Virtual Check-in Agenda: Partner Gap outreach; Finalize Subcommittee 2020 Actions Sat, Nov 2: PARTNER TRAINING (1-2:30 PM) Walter Reed Community Center Sat, Dec 7: CCC In-Person Agenda: Subcommittee updates, Partner status, 2020 Strategic View

27 What’s Coming Up? Join us at: Sept. 29- Taste of Ethiopia
Sept. 29- Crystal City Oktoberfest Sept. 30- Valley Fest Street Festival Oct. 5- Latino American Festival Oct. 6- Columbia Pike Fall Fest

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