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and collaboration with France

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1 and collaboration with France
GSI / FAIR and collaboration with France Paolo Giubellino

2 GSI – Almost 50 Years of Scientific and Technical Competence
Phelix Laser Beschriftung/Beschneiden des Beschleunirgebildes CRYRING Reference laboratory for nuclear physics in Europe, one of the top heavy-ion accelerator facilities in the world

3 GSI Discoveries New chemical elements Hundreds of new isotopes
Isotopes discovered at GSI and FAIR New chemical elements Hundreds of new isotopes New decay modes

4 GSI Discoveries Innovation in cancer therapy

5 GSI Cooperation Partners worldwide
In particular strong and longstanding cooperation with institutes from CNRS/IN2P3 and DSM/CEA and

6 Long Tradition of French-German Cooperation
Construction and Operation of Large Accelerator Facilities: UNILAC...GANIL, (Saturne 2) ... SIS18/FRS/ESR ... SPIRAL1 .... Since 1983: Exchange Program DSM/CEA-IN2P3 – GSI for researchers and engineers with typically exchange days per year  joint R&D activities in hadron & nuclear research, atomic and plasma physics, materials research, biophysics/ hadron therapy and also in accelerator & detector technologies  e.g. strong French participation in joint projects at FRS/ESR, ALADIN/LAND, R3B, KAOS, RISING, FOPI, HADES, .... joint developments e.g. in y-ray tracking, radiation-hard silicon detetctors, active detectors, laser ion sources, .... French participation in Helmholtz Alliance „Cosmic matter in the Laboratory“ and the Helmholtz Nuclear Astrophysics Network „NAVI“ Common large EU projects: ENSAR, HadronPhysics and recently approved STRONG-2020, led by B. Erazmus, and ESCAPE led by G. Lamanna Leading role in Future Flagship Facilitiy Projects: and

7 FAIR: Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research – builds on Competence of GSI and the Community worldwide ESFRI Landmark Top priority for European Nuclear Physics Community Driver for Innovation in Science and Technology 3 March 2017 7

8 FAIR: International Cooperation
9 international FAIR Shareholders 1 Associated Partner (United Kingdom) 1 Aspirant Partner Czech Republic (Since 2018) Participation of scientists from all continents

9 French Participation in FAIR
France is shareholder of FAIR (forth-strongest partner) Major in-kind contributions: Superconducting large-acceptance magnet GLAD for R3B p linac: Power supplies and RF design / Procurement of klystrons (Thales) / ECR ion source Strong participation in the FAIR pillars NUSTAR and APPA, also in CBM and PANDA The „Journées FAIR-France“ in May 2017 revealed once more the strong interest and important role of French scientists in realizing and exploiting FAIR incl. the intermediate FAIR Phase-0 program that started in 2018 PANDA: Orsay in field of timelike proton formfactors. HADES + PANDA: joint project using PANDA-straws as forward tracker in HADES‘ hyperon measurements (through this, hopefully, Orsay comes with investment back to PANDA, for the foreward tracker) CBM: similar as PANDA; only Strasbourg (IPHC) involved APPA / NUSTAR: have already strong cooperations ongoing (those infos from Lars Schmitt, about the Journée FAIR-France)

10 German Engagement in SPIRAL 2/ GANIL
German contribution to SPIRAL2 (15 M Euro in total) Cash part completely paid. Work packages 1 (RF and linac components) completed. Work package 2 (DESIR beam transport lines) is on time and within scope. Work package 3 (vacuum components, cryogenics, beam guidance) completed. GSI is contributing 509 person days to the AGATHA mobile detector, currently at GANIL. PANDA: Orsay in field of timelike proton formfactors. HADES + PANDA: joint project using PANDA-straws as forward tracker in HADES‘ hyperon measurements (through this, hopefully, Orsay comes with investment back to PANDA, for the foreward tracker) CBM: similar as PANDA; only Strasbourg (IPHC) involved APPA / NUSTAR: have already strong cooperations ongoing (those infos from Lars Schmitt, about the Journée FAIR-France)

11 July 4th 2017 before July 2017 August 2019
Status of FAIR Project: Civil Construction Progress since official start on 4th of July 2017 before July 2017 July 4th 2017 August 2019

12 Status of FAIR: Accelerators: construction / procurement progress
~ 60 sc dipole SIS100 modules manufactured at BNG and 55 shipped to GSI and tested SIS100 quadrupole units shipped from JINR to BNG for integration into FOS module All 51 HEBT vacuum chambers of batch 1 delivered (BINP, Russia) The series production of RF – debunchers All HESR Dipoles are produced, in Jülich and 65% are delivered to FAIR Delivery of 1st 6 series Power Converter from India, (ECIL, India)

ready for experiments and tests View from local injector to the ring

14 Experiment-Kollaborationen
The FAIR science: four pillars atomic physics, biophysics, plasma physics, material research APPA nuclear- and quark-matter CBM nuclear structure and nuclear astrophysics NuSTAR hadron structure and dynamics PANDA

15 Schedule for FAIR Science
Working towards the completion of FAIR by 2025 Major thrust is on construction of FAIR accelerators and experiments. At the same time staged approach to FAIR science and progressive commissioning of accelerators and detectors: FAIR phase 0 : start in 2018/2019 FAIR day 1 configurations/ phase 1 experiments with FAIR accelerators progressively approaching design parameters  2024/25 … Full FAIR operation 2025+ APPA CBM NUSTAR PANDA

16 Accelerator and Experimental Facilities available for FAIR phase-0

17 R3B Start Version for Phase 0
GLAD magnet (French in-kind contribution)

18 Unique Opportunities . . . & Challenges
FAIR 2025 Unique Opportunities & Challenges Thank You!

19 Backup

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