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How to GEOSTAT census data?

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Presentation on theme: "How to GEOSTAT census data?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How to GEOSTAT census data?
Invitation to contribute to the GEOSTAT 1B population grid EuroStat Working Party on GIS for Statistics Luxembourg 13th – 14th of March 2013 The Geostat 1B project Ola Nordbeck Project Coordinator ESSnet project GEOSTAT 1B Statistics Norway Tel : ++47 / 14-15 March 2013 Joint NSI NMA GISCO 2013 Workshop

2 Joint NSI NMA GISCO 2013 Workshop
Outline Background The GEOSTAT 1B response Invitation asking for contributions What to contribute with How to contribute How to share the contribution 14-15 March 2013 Joint NSI NMA GISCO 2013 Workshop

3 Background The interest in accessing and contributing to the GEOSTAT 1B population grid based on data from the Census 2011 GEOSTAT 1B was asked to prioritize the efforts on the “bottom-up” methodology in the GISCO workshop 2012 A GEOSTAT 1B websurvey showed that most members of EFGS will publish their Population and Housing censuses before mid 2013.

4 The GEOSTAT 1B response Statistics Finland in flagship position prepared an initial design First round of contributions by the project partners presented at a workshop in Oslo, June 2012 Second round of contributions until September First draft version in September GEOSTAT 1B meeting in front og the EFGS Conference 2012 in Prague Finalisation of training material and guidelines until the end of 2012. Amendments and modifications of the material until February 2013 Invitation letter sent out on the 7th of March

5 Invitation asking for contributions
The invitation letter assembles the various products from the first year of GEOSTAT 1B: Quality Assessment of empty LAEA (ETRS89 / LAEA Europe) grid Training material on how to produce population grids based on georeferenced register or census data How to standardise the resulting data and make it Eurostat compliant How to carry out a Quality Assessment of the resulting population grid data What variables to contribute with How to clarify the license conditions related to the produced population grids

6 What to contribute with
EFGS Standard for official statistics Population variables Complete list of variables including population, households, dwellings, buildings, agriculture variables In Geostat 1B; primary focus on following population variables:

7 How to contribute, 1 How to go from point to ETRS89 / LAEA Europe grid

8 How to contribute, 2 How to go from national grid to ETRS89 / LAEA Europe grid

9 How to contribute, 3 Quality Assessment of empty LAEA (ETRS89 / LAEA Europe) grid Comparing the spatial extent of the grid net with national reference data as borders, micro data Making the population grid data Eurostat compliant Data structure of each grid cell, stored as semicolon delimited csv file

10 Geostat quality assessment parameters
Combination of parameters for Geography and Statistics = Parameters for Geospatial data / Geostatistics Proposal by benchmarking INSPIRE and Census: INSPIRE scope of view mainly on Geography Census scope of view mainly on concepts, definition, representativeness Grid data quality mainly dependent on source data/primary data and production methods Critical measures: Accuracy and coverage of georeferences Data protection – if any

11 Open data licence template
This template origins from the Finnish Land Survey and is recommended to be used for all variables under the EFGS Standard for official statistics The intention is to make datasets across Europe more accessible = reduce the number of different licences Still, it is up to each National Statistical Institute to consider whether this licence is in line with national laws or other restrictions. GEOSTAT 1B has chosen the Finnish Land Survey open data licence due to it's good structure and coverage of different legal aspects. The template might be seen as a first step towards a new Creative Commons licence that covers both geographical and statistical information.

12 Thank you for commenting on
Point for discussion Thank you for commenting on The invitation letter and the related information sent out on the 7th of March asking NSIs for data contributions to the GEOSTAT 1B population grids

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