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Staff Turnover and Silos in Our State, Oh My!

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Presentation on theme: "Staff Turnover and Silos in Our State, Oh My!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Staff Turnover and Silos in Our State, Oh My!
Colleen Riley, Kansas State Department of Education Richard Matteson, Kansas State Department of Education Tiffany Boyd, Center of Integration of IDEA Data (CIID)

2 2019 OSEP Leadership Conference
OSEP Disclaimer 2019 OSEP Leadership Conference DISCLAIMER: The contents of this presentation were developed by the presenters for the 2019 OSEP Leadership Conference. However, these contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government. (Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1221e-3 and 3474)

3 Agenda Kansas wants to change things! Challenges with working in silos
Implementing Generate in Kansas Improvements and benefits along the way Navigating staff turnover The road ahead: future plans with Generate

4 Challenges in Kansas: Working in Silos
Data Submission Timelines EDFacts files were created right before the due date Process had minimal time for data quality review before submission EDFacts Coordinator was not aware of the importance of being timely, complete, and accurate for the initial submission of IDEA files IDEA Data Quality Issues FFY2014 – 0s in Data Rubric for Child Count, Personnel and Assessment FFY2015 – 0s in Data Rubric for Personnel, Exiting, Discipline and Assessment

5 Finding Common Goals Revisit current timelines for creating IDEA EDFacts files Improve processes for verifying data before the finalized submission Develop closer working relationship between the Special Education Team and the Information Technology Team Take advantage of the technology with Generate to move KS data systems technology to the next level Automate processes in order to reduce time/burden of creating submission files

6 Overview of Generate Free tool developed by the Center for the Integration of IDEA Data (CIID) Automates and simplifies IDEA reporting User-friendly reports Built on Common Education Data Standards (CEDS)

7 Generate Features to Support Data Quality
Toggle Screen for Metadata Ensures zero counts are correct Ensures file consistency with EMAPS surveys Submission Business Rules are Built In Data Population Summary Reports User-Friendly EDFacts Reports Reports Library Utilizes integrated data within Generate Includes Data Quality reports such as Year-to-Year Comparisons

8 Project Start-Up Tools for a Common Vision
Use Case Template Data Integration Self-Assessment TA Service Plan Communication Plan Roles and Responsibilities Project Plan

9 Mapping the Flow of IDEA Data in Kansas
Visualized the complexity of the flow of data Provided understanding of how many staff are involved Identified which staff needed to be involved Brought visibility to issues in the data collection process

10 Maintaining IDEA Data Mapping
Results of mapping documented for future reference and updates

11 Process Improvements in Kansas
Revised timelines for creation of EDFacts files Allowing more time for data quality review Documenting and formalizing rules for data quality review Replaced separate workflow for review and file creation with a single process (Generate) Centralized communication for staff involved in creating EDFacts files to track review and completion

12 Tools to Support Process Improvements
Generate Data Integration Toolkit Project Plan CEDS Align, Connect & MyConnect tools ETL Checklist Data Quality Checklist Data Integration Project Sustainability Tip Sheet

13 Collaboration and Communication Now
Centralized communication for completion of tasks EDFacts coordinator facilitates and ensures completion of tasks More direct IT involvement in SPP/APR work Timely and accurate concept applies to all federal submissions

14 Benefits of the Generate Project
Provided a structure for conversations about existing processes Forced us to ask, “Are our current processes meeting our needs?” Brought process improvements from the back burner to the forefront Simplified review process allows more time for data quality review

15 Staff Turnover During the Generate Project
Staff turnover is a normal part of the work: Retirements Job changes Staff changes in KS since kick-off in June 2017 2 new Co-EDFacts Coordinators and IT Project Managers 1 new Director of Information Technology Added a Quality Assurance Analyst – Responsible for CEDS mapping

16 Minimizing the Impact of Staff Changes
Support of leadership across departments Documentation Back-ups for each position Centralized communication

17 Preparing for Future Staff Turnover
Developing processes that are repeatable and well documented Clarifying roles and responsibilities Cross-training staff Incorporating Generate into future plans

18 Future Plans with Generate in KS
Using Generate for all EDFacts files, not just IDEA files KS CEDS data dictionary mapping project Participating in the Generate Governance Group (G3)

19 Planning for the Future: Sustainability Tips
Documentation Processes Roles and responsibilities Train staff Communication Scheduling and timelines Outcomes and benefits Resources Staff and financial resources Leadership Engagement Status updates Next steps Future opportunities

20 2019 OSEP Leadership Conference
OSEP Disclaimer 2019 OSEP Leadership Conference DISCLAIMER: The contents of this presentation were developed by the presenters for the 2019 OSEP Leadership Conference. However, these contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government. (Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1221e-3 and 3474)

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