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Newsletter Issue 1 October 2019

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Presentation on theme: "Newsletter Issue 1 October 2019"— Presentation transcript:

1 Newsletter Issue 1 October 2019 Welcome to Warwick House Medical Practice’s new monthly Newsletter. Here we hope to keep you updated with news from the Practice and the NHS. NHS App Have you heard of the new NHS App? The App is for people aged 13 and over who are registered with a connected GP surgery. Warwick House is a connected surgery. On the app, that can be downloaded to your smart phone or device for free, you can check your symptoms, book appointments at your GP surgery, order repeat prescriptions, view your medical record, register to be an organ donor and choose how the NHS uses your data. It is very easy to use. If you need any help with the App please talk to our friendly reception staff. In the News! One in four patients with secondary breast cancer had to visit their GP three or more times before they got a diagnosis, a survey suggests. A breast cancer charity said there should be more awareness that the disease can spread to other parts of the body. GPs said they were doing their best for patients but symptoms could be difficult to spot. The advanced, or metastatic form of the disease means the cancer has spread through the blood and created secondary tumours in the bones, liver, lung or brain. It cannot be cured and patients stay in treatment for ther rest of their lives. The symptoms of secondary breast cancer can vary but common symptoms include: Unexpected weight loss or loss of appetite Discomfort or swelling under the ribs or across the upper abdomen Severe or continuing headaches Altered vision or speech Feeling sick most of the time Breathlessness or a dry cough Loss of balance or weakness or numbness of the limbs Any lumps or swellings under the arm, breastbone or collarbone Pain in the bones (eg back, hips or ribs) that doesn’t get better with pain relief and may be worse at night Cancer Research UK lists more symptoms of secondary breast cancer on its website. BBC News If you are showing any of these signs or you are concerned about anything then please book to see your GP. Somerset NHS Trusts Night Walk Nurse’s Elaine and Tamsyn, and Carol and Kate from the Management Team are walking together for 6 miles through Longrun Meadow in Taunton on the evening of the 1st November. This is to raise funds for the staff at Somerset NHS Foundation Trusts and all money raised will go directly to NHS staff physical activity and wellbeing projects. Please show your support for hardworking NHS staff by donating online at

2 Stoptober The 28 day stop smoking campaign from Public Health England is back for another year! Stoptober has driven over 1 million quit attempts to date and is the biggest mass quit attempt in the country. It is based on research that shows that if you can stop smoking for 28-days, you are five times more likely to stay smoke free for good. There are lots of ways to quit and Stoptober can help people choose what works for them. Stoptober offers a range of free support to help people on their quitting journey including an app, daily s, Facebook Messenger and lots of encouragement from the Stoptober online community on Facebook. In addition, people can get expert face-to-face advice from local stop smoking services. Those who use stop smoking aids and who get face-to-face support from their local stop smoking service are up to four times more likely to quit successfully. So Good Luck to all our patients on their Stoptober journey, and if you haven’t started yet, there is still time! Every Mind Matters Public Health England, with support from some of the most respected organisations in the field, is launching a new mental health campaign called “Every Mind Matters”. The campaign aims to support everyone to feel more confident in taking action to look after their mental health and wellbeing by promoting a range of self-care actions. For more information pick up a leaflet, go online or talk to your GP, the Practice Nurses or a member of the reception team. Don’t be a DNA! Every week on average we have around fifty appointments pre-booked that patients do not attend. This equates to 14 hours of time that the relevant health care professional could be spending with someone who really needs them. Please remember your appointments and cancel them if they aren’t needed or you are unable to attend so that they can be opened up for other patients. The PPG – Patient Participation Group We have some very wonderful patients who meet up with us regularly to discuss the happenings in the Practice and the NHS as a whole and the impact that changes might have on you the patients. They regularly hold evening events such as resus training and next month “The Departure Lounge” (see advert over or posters in the surgery) which will be a friendly meeting to discuss all the practical sides of death and where to get help. No one really likes to talk about death but it comes to us all in the end. Please come along and get the knowledge so you are well prepared should the unthinkable happen. If you would like to be involved with the PPG, contact Sian Mara, the Operations Manager at Warwick House for more information.

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