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DUnedin highland Middle school

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1 DUnedin highland Middle school
Principal Assistant Principals Michael Vasallo Calla Alford, Trever Forbes, Jenieff Watson

2 ¿Necesita ayuda en Español?
Sra. Ana Rios

3 Deputy Steven Tellis


5 If you have a conflict with a peer, seek the assistance of an adult!
Mission and Vision Dunedin Highland Middle School will close the achievement gap and open new learning opportunities to ensure that all of our scholars are college and career ready by providing a safe and respectful environment, inspiring excellence in educational practices and student achievement, and demonstrating pride in our school community. GO HIGHLANDERS! What’s our REP? If you have a conflict with a peer, seek the assistance of an adult!

6 Who to Contact? Donna Yeasting, 7th/8th grade Clerk
Individual Needs (early release, phone calls, student supplies, etc.) (727) *2053 Erica McNeil, Attendance Clerk Attendance, Medical Notes (727) *2051

7 Who to Contact? – Grade 7 Trever Forbes, Assistant Principal
Administrative Questions Discipline (727) *2015 Maria Bosco, School Counselor Academic Questions Social Emotional Learning (727) *2061

8 Who to Contact? – Grade 8 Jenieff Watson, Assistant Principal
Administrative Questions Discipline (727) *2016 Katelyn McDonnell, School Counselor Academic Questions Social Emotional Learning (727) *2062


10 Arrival & Dismissal Procedures
We begin providing supervision for students at 9:10am. The 9:10am bell rings allows students to come on campus for breakfast. Students who enter the campus at 9:10am must proceed directly to the cafeteria and remain there until the next bell rings at 9:25am. Students who do not want to go to the cafeteria are allowed to gather in the front of the school, on the bus lane sidewalk, or on the outdoor basketball court. They will be allowed to enter campus at 9:25 am when the bell rings. At 9:25am all students are welcome to gather in the courtyard, behind the yellow lines on the sidewalk. At 9:34am all students may enter the classroom buildings to access their lockers and head to their classes.

11 Arrival & Dismissal Procedures
WALKERS/BIKE RIDERS All students walking and biking from the South and West side of the campus will need to enter at the Parking Lot entrance on New York Avenue, or through the front of the school. Make sure you and your student discuss your “rainy day” dismissal plan SAFETY IS KEY ON CAMPUS ** Students need to walk their bike while on campus ** NO JAYWALKING, please only cross with crossing guards ** Bus Riders ONLY in Bus Loop ** Please remind your student the importance of obeying the rules for everyone's safety on our campus.

12 Arrival & Dismissal Procedures
CAR RIDERS Drop off/pick up areas accessible by entering the school via Patricia Avenue Another drop off/pick up area is accessible by entering the school via New York Avenue. This is located in the back of the school. TIME: 9:00–9:40 am & 4:10-4:20 pm Dismissal begins at 4:10pm SAFETY IS KEY ON CAMPUS ** Students may not be picked up in the front parking area ** Parents may park their car in the parking area, but must walk to the crosswalk to meet their student ** If there are no available spaces, you must join the car line ** Expect the car line to take minutes

13 Late Arrivals Any students arriving late to school will have to enter through the main office on Patricia Avenue. Once the school day starts, we will have a single point of entry If parents are arriving for conferences and meetings, they need to park in the Parking Lot on Patricia Avenue and sign-in in the main office

14 DRESS CODE Highlanders will use the Pinellas County Schools Dress Code Policy. A copy of the Dress Code is in your packet.

15 Lunch *NEW* - All students at Dunedin Highland Middle School will receive free breakfast and lunch My School Apps – Apply for free and reduced lunch Must reapply every year Still needed to qualify for supports other than lunch (Instrument rental, help with fees for events, etc.) Impacts school funding

16 Lunch STEAM 7th & 8th graders eat 1st lunch (after 2nd period) CGS 7th and 8th graders eat 3rd lunch (after 4th period) Students will receive a lunch pin number on their schedule on the first day of school. They need to memorize this number the first week of school.



19 Stay Organized! – Lockers, Planners, & Binders!
All students expected to use a LOCKER! This is the best place to secure your belongings! Reminder: Do not share your combination with anyone. Lockers will be assigned during the first weeks of school. Students must purchase a lock from the school ($5) in order to be assigned a locker. You are not permitted to carry bags from class to class. All students are expected to use a BINDER! The AVID binder is an organizational tool to help students maintain notes and school work in one place. Students are expected to maintain a binder, along with all of the necessary items needed. They are expected to keep it organized using the AVID methods they will be taught.

20 Personalized Learning Pathway & Clever
If you would like to support your child’s learning at home, please review the Personalized Learning Pathway (PLP), which your child can access through the Clever App: Parent Clever video link: Parent PLP video link:

21 PBIS – Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports
PBS Rewards System Digital – App and through Clever Funded by PTA!

22 Extended Learning Program (ELP)
Homework Help Reading Support Math Support Drama STEM Spanish Chess Yearbook NHD Programs available Monday – Friday starting at 8am Programs also taking place through R’Club Saturday School – 8am – 11am


24 Great Reasons to Get excited for 2019-20
5 Great Reasons to Get excited for ACADEMY INSTRUCTION! Teams of amazing teachers work with our students to ensure rigor, relevance, and relationships through our academies focusing on STEAM, AVID, and Gifted education. CLUBS AND COMPETITION WINNERS! Odyssey of the Mind, National History Day, Mighty Mu, Science Olympiad, Math Counts, Math Moves You, Stock Market Challenge, Future Cities, International Day, Essay Contests, Art exhibitions, Girlfriends, 5000 Role Models and more! TEAM SPORTS! Volleyball, Basketball, Track and Intramural Sports! ARTS! Programs dedicated to the fine arts and music! Highlights include visual art, chorus, orchestra, Highland dance, and our award winning pipe band! TECH! Smart Classrooms: Smart Boards, Smart Response Systems, Video Recording Technology, iPads & Computer Labs! Students earn enrolled in Microsoft Office Specialist certification earn at least one area of specialization or more!

25 SPORTS Any student wishing to tryout for a sport at Dunedin Highland Middle School needs to have the following: 1) School insurance- must have basic school insurance even if you have personal health insurance coverage 2) Current sports physical (physicals are good for one calendar year after the day they are written) 3) Permission slip filled out by parent or guardian Athletic Director: Mrs. Watson –

26 DHMS is in need of volunteers!
Mentors, Great American Teach-In, and More! Reactivate your volunteer information: New volunteer registration: All visitors must have a driver’s license to sign-in Contact: Mrs. Lawrence, Family and Community Involvement Liaison ext. 2045

27 Get Involved Parent- Teacher-Student-Association (PTSA) Fall Fundraiser Deadline – Tomorrow! Meetings on the third Tuesday of the month at 6:30pm

28 Box Tops for Education

29 Weekly School Messages Additional Messages for Special Events
Communication Weekly School Messages Additional Messages for Special Events Would you like to receive an version of the weekly message? Make sure your is up to date in Portal!

30 Communication School Website: Administration, Clerk, and Teacher addresses are available on our website. School Phone: (727) PTA Facebook Band Boosters Facebook

31 Meet the teachers & practice your schedule
Where do I go? Look at the ROOM # next to your first period class. Room # format will look like something like this: 3 – 117 The 1st number is the building number. The 1st number after the dash will tell you which floor. The 3-digit number after the dash is the room number. Room #’s are posted on the TOP of classroom doors.

32 See you August 14th!

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