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Presentation on theme: "THE DEWEY DECIMAL SYSTEM"— Presentation transcript:

in . . . THE GREAT DEWEY HUNT by Toni Buzzeo

2 The Dewey Decimal System is…
a method for organizing books in the library using 10 categories. In a school library, it is usually used for NONFICTION BOOKS.

3 To help students learn the categories,
Mrs. Skorupski challenges each group to come up with a set of objects that represent the 10 Dewey categories.

4 What’s in those 10 categories anyway?

5 Ask yourself these questions to find out!

6 000 General Knowledge What do I need to know?

7 What are some books in the 000 category?

8 Psychology/Philosophy
100 Psychology/Philosophy Who am I?

9 What are some books in the 100 category?

10 200 Religion What do I believe in?

11 What are some books in the 200 category?

12 300 Social Science How do we live together?

13 What are some books in the 300 category?

14 400 Languages How do we communicate with each other?

15 What are some books in the 400 category?

16 Natural Science/Mathematics
500 Natural Science/Mathematics What is our world like? How do we explain things in numbers?

17 What are some books in the 500 category?

18 Applied Science/Technology
600 Applied Science/Technology How can we make the world useful to us?

19 What are some books in the 600 category?

20 What do we enjoy creating or doing
700 Arts What do we enjoy creating or doing for fun?

21 What are some books in the 700 category?

22 What do we enjoy writing?
800 Literature What do we enjoy writing?

23 What are some books in the 800 category?

24 900 History/Geography Which people and places are parts of our past?
What do we know about all the places in the world?

25 What are some books in the 900 category?

26 What objects could represent those books?

27 000 map of Atlantis newspaper Bigfoot space alien sea monster plastic
question mark computer keychain map of Atlantis

28 100 witch ghost optical illusion card

29 200 Christian cross Buddha statue Star of David dreidel

30 300 Cinderella snow globe dragon unicorn fire engine police car
birthday candles

31 400 sign language card miniature dictionary Braille alphabet

32 500 hairy tarantula spider plant dinosaur magnet rock number candle
weather thermometer assorted animals shells

33 600 sailboat truck car plane battery wire play food dog stethoscope
astronaut fish tank farm machines measuring spoons

34 700 basketball football dice puppets playing cards piano art supplies
(such as crayons, paint, etc.)

35 800 theater masks (tragedy and comedy) playbill poem on a card
miniature model

36 900 flag globe foreign currency toy soldier toy cowboy statue of
famous American (such as Lincoln)





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