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Mrs. Vaglia’s Class Newsletter 08/29/19

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1 Mrs. Vaglia’s Class Newsletter 08/29/19
What’s happening in Reading? It has been an exciting week for reading! The children have been able to successfully read to self for over six minutes! They also learned how to successfully read to someone, also for over six minutes! In order to do this, they need to sit EEKK ~ elbow, elbow, knee, knee. They read in a whisper and help each other read words. It’s wonderful! What’s happening in Math? We have been working with ten frames and the concept of greater than, less than, and between, with numbers 1 – 20. We are also working on quick number recognition. When I flash a number, they need to say the number automatically, 12, 13, 14, are tough. We created a number “track” (number line) with unifix cubes and then they labeled them using stickers. They have been using this tool to help them be successful. What’s happening in Writing? The children finished learning how to write the letters of the alphabet correctly. I will continue to monitor and aid them. We wrote our sight words and names in our new word dictionary. We are ready to write! Social Studies The new positivity characteristic is perseverance. We continue to listen to stories that demonstrate how important it is NOT GIVE UP, keep trying, and keep a positive attitude. We have spent a week learning about the symbols of Virginia. When their flip book comes home, ask them about it. Upcoming Testing We have begun to assess how your child is doing in both reading and math. We need a baseline to show how much growth is made in a year. The reading assessment is “PALS”, and the math assessment is called “AMC”. Part of the assessment is small group and the other is one-on-one. You will receive the results.

2 Two more books! Athenia and Christopher, so creative!
Please return coupon books or $25 for each book purchased. Take Home Books When your child brings home their “just right” books, please take the time to sit down with them and listen to them read. Ask them questions about what they read such as; “Who was the story about?”, “Where does the story take place?”, “What was the story about, what happened?” Then put the books back in the bag and return it the next day! Two more books! Athenia and Christopher, so creative! Scholastic News I have received 10 checks or money orders so far for $10, made out to Scholastic News. That leaves 15 more to go! Please get those in quickly so you do not forget. Thank you. Interims After Labor Day, you will be receiving your child’s interim report. This is like a “mid-term”. Even though it has been only 4 weeks by the time you get it, I have already seen some patterns in your child’s learning and have data to back it up! If you have any questions, feel free to set up a conference. Important Updates One more week…ABC books about your child due Friday, Sept. 6th. We have had two fire drills and one tornado drill. Just FYI. NO SCHOOL – Friday & Monday Sept. 17 – Picture Day Sept. 18 – Early Release Sept. 30 – Oct. 4 – Book Fair Oct. 11 – Early Release

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