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Monday, March 20 Write out the definitions for vocabulary from the reading. 1. mystique- (noun)a sense of mystery about someone or something 2. infamous-

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Presentation on theme: "Monday, March 20 Write out the definitions for vocabulary from the reading. 1. mystique- (noun)a sense of mystery about someone or something 2. infamous-"— Presentation transcript:

1 Monday, March 20 Write out the definitions for vocabulary from the reading. 1. mystique- (noun)a sense of mystery about someone or something 2. infamous- (adjective) well known for shameful or scandalous reasons 3. reluctance- (noun) hesitation about doing something 4. exemplary- (adjective) excellence or perfection 5. terminally- (adverb) continuing forever until death 6. Punctuate short works with quotation marks: songs, short stories, articles, chapter titles.

2 Tuesday, March 21 Copy the words and definitions into your BW.
7. savvy- (adjective) knowledgeable about common issues 8. mutant- (noun) an abnormal specimen 9. subtle- (adjective) understated; behaving in a manner without calling attention to oneself 10. osmosis- (noun) gradual absorption 11. canine- (noun) of or like a dog 12. Punctuate long works with underlining or italics: book, movies, plays, albums, magazines

3 Wednesday, March 22 1. supernatural, spiritual, magical, ____________
Copy the synonyms and complete the set with the correct vocabulary word. 1. supernatural, spiritual, magical, ____________ 2. understated, restrained, indirect, _____________ 3. shrewdness, understanding, knowledge, _________ 4. notorious, scandalous, disgraceful, ___________

4 Thursday, March 23 Write the entire sentence and complete it with the correct vocabulary word. The ____________ unit of the police department was called out because of a bomb threat. Carrie’s _____________ to join in the dancing was obvious by the way she stood by the wall with her arms crossed. He was so exemplary in school that I often called him the ___________ of the family since the rest of us struggled in class.

5 Friday, March 24 Write the entire sentence and complete it with the correct vocabulary word. 1. The students thought that the foreign exchange student’s accent gave him a special ___________. 2. The X-Men series depicts a group of ___________(s) with special powers beyond those of normal humans. 3. Charlie has a(n) _____________ intelligence in the story “Flowers for Algernon.”

6 PUNCTUATE THE TITLES 1. I was filled with reluctance when my mom gave me a subscription to Cat Fancy magazine. 2. Lassie was a great TV show about a special canine. 3. Taylor Swift sang an exemplary rendition of the song Smelly Cat for her adoring fans.

7 COMPLETE THE SENTENCE Word Bank: OSMOSIS, RELUCTANCE, SAVVY, EXEMPLARY At the end of the year, students receive awards for completing _______________work and having a great attitude. Explaining _______________ to my son is harder than moving solvent molecules through a partially permeable membrane. Her business __________ allowed her to run a successful store.

8 PUNCTUATE THE TITLES Directions: Punctuate the works below with quotation marks or underlining. song- Savvy Sound article- Learning by Osmosis: Fact or Myth? short story- The Subtle Scream book- Training Your Canine movie- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

I found _________________ teeth marks on the bone in the backyard. My mom is especially ____________ when it comes to knowing how to get deals at the grocery store. The A+ on my essay showed me that my teacher recognized my work as ________________.

Justin Bieber is _______________ for wearing saggy pants and behaving badly on camera! My ______________ to visit the all you can eat buffet was because I had to weigh in at wrestling practice the next day. The frog with five eyeballs looks to be a(n) ________________ from a nuclear waste site.

11 COMPLETE THE SENTENCE Word Bank: SUBTLE, INFAMOUS, MUTANT, OSMOSIS, RELUCTANCE, TERMINALLY A person who is _____________ is well known, but not for anything positive! The perfume scent on the letter was___________; in the same understated way the writer let me know she liked me. My mom says I am _______________ late to school, as if I was cursed to be tardy forever!

The new girl’s ____________was cultivated by her reluctance and hesitation to divulge many details about herself. I wish I could learn science through ________________. I would sleep with the science textbook tied to be head! Mr. Crawley is a successful restaurant owner known for his business __________around the neighborhood.

13 4. critically, incurably, hopelessly, ___________

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